The banning of cheap Russian energy carriers permanently reduced Europe's competitiveness, and the continent became vulnerable to the United States.

Germany's economy is bleeding from a million wounds, while Berlin is losing its leading role in Europe - pointed out György Nógrádi in the HírTv program. The security policy expert pointed out that the multi-party German government coalition does not have a plan to transform the economy, as the Greens, liberals and social democrats do not even agree on the most basic steps.

The German government has come to the brink of inoperability, emphasized György Nógrádi.

He noted: Germany - similarly to the rest of Europe - has moved strongly to the right, and the CDU/CSU would be the runner-up if the elections were held now.

He also emphasized that a grand coalition should not be formed in the next German government, which would cause a lasting crisis in Germany.

Since the financial situation of France did not allow it to take over the role of the leader of Europe with the weakening of Germany, it is therefore important that Berlin occupies this position in the future.

György Nógrádi touched on the fact that the ban on cheap Russian energy carriers permanently reduced Europe's competitiveness, and the continent became vulnerable to Washington .

To a large extent, the responsibility of the United States is that Europe has weakened on all levels in the last two and a half years , Nógrádi said.

The expert pointed out that one of the biggest mysteries is that the Russian-Ukrainian war began in February 2022 and that Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, ordered 120 ships of shale gas from the United States at an extremely high price in January.

" On whose authority? Did you know that in a month there will be a war? If so, why you action against him?" György Nógrádi asked his questions .

The expert pointed out that the competitiveness and future of the European Union, while the Russian-Ukrainian conflict would end immediately if Donald Trump could take power in the United States in November.

Cover photo: György Nógrádi