Does the Peace March have an effect on Brussels politics? Can a conservative advance really prevent the expansion of war? The answers to these questions were sought at the season-ending meeting of the Civil Academy with the help of journalist András Bencsik, editor-in-chief of Demokrata, and political scientist Zoltán Kiszelly, director of the Századvég Public Knowledge Center Foundation.

During the conversation, the history of the Peace March was discussed, they remembered the beginnings and recalled the causes and effects of the movements. They touched on the fears of the Brussels elite, the message of the most recent march organized on June 1, and whether everything could have an effect on the Russian-Ukrainian war. The real cause of the war was also discussed, and András Bencsik expressed his opinion about it, not forgetting the antecedents, the pogroms of Ukrainian nationalists killing Russians.

They also expressed their thoughts on how it is possible that the prime minister of such a not very large country has become a worthy opponent of the servants of globalist ideas.

They also discussed the causes of the so-called Péter Magyar phenomenon and the run amok of the "new messiah", who seemed to be running out of steam. In Zoltán Kiszelly's opinion, the barrel speakers operating with ten templates had run out of things to say, and their movement had reached a glass ceiling that it could no longer break through. They also explained that the self-made leader's pro-peace stance is, to put it mildly, doubtful, since he wants to join the party family led by Manfred Weber, which is clearly pro-war.

They also gave an opinion on the latest craze, the re-introduction of compulsory military service, also elucidating the reason why certain politicians are advocating for this, although they want to expand the original idea somewhat and include women as conscripts. The question is whether such plans are also in the minds of the decision-makers in the case of the millions of migrants who arrived, because if so, they risk that the armed migrants would most likely not use their weapons to fight for Ukraine...

You can watch the season-ending Civil Academy video here:

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