We are at the end of our options, we are living the last opportunities to keep the peace, we are very close to the point where we can no longer turn back - said Viktor Orbán on Friday, on Kossuth Rádió's Good Morning, Hungary program. According to the prime minister, the war supporters turned a regional conflict into a major war situation, hope is fading every day, but we will have a chance in the European elections.

There is a point in the history of every war that contains the last chance to turn back. We are very close to this - announced Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Kossuth Rádió Good morning, Hungary! in his show.

According to the prime minister, hope dies last, but hope is running out every day. The European Parliament election is decisive from this point of view, because the national governments receive feedback. Ztan will have a few difficult months that we will have to survive, which will last until November, because that is when the American election comes. Viktor Orbán said that if the war does not break out by then and

if D onald T rump in November , then with a good European election behind us, we can form an all- Western, transatlantic peace coalition.

When asked how determined the West is, the Prime Minister said that only the blind do not see that there is a war synod in Europe, the logical conclusion of which will be the arrival of the military units of Western European countries on the territory of Ukraine. Today, the left wants to resolve this conflict in the same way as migration, because they say that it is not true, that it is exaggerated, that the situation is not so dire.

" Nem the nesting hell. Well, everyone, think back to where we were two years ago. From helmets to weapons capable of taking human life, we have reached the point where we are now talking about soldiers " he pointed out.

According to the prime minister, we are entering an open conflict at an accelerating pace, who claims that there is no immediate danger of war is deceiving people.

They are trying to silence the peace supporters, Robert F ico was shot, the coverage of the peace march was suspended or disappeared on the Internet, and our anti-war posters were attacked - Viktor Orbán said. According to him, the most immediate preparation for a war is taking place against a country whose economy and technological level in the civilian field lags behind those of China and the United States, but its military industry technology, the military industry is the source of raw materials, and its hinterland, which is necessary for fighting a war, is the largest in the world. .

Every Western step will be retaliated against, "and every Western step that provokes a response will bring with it the scope of the war," he pointed out.

"We are in the last moments, inches away from war"

- therefore, according to the Prime Minister, everything must be done to avoid conflict.

The Prime Minister reminded that the crowds were overflowing at the peace march. And this coincides with the Századvég survey, according to which 83 percent of Hungarians are against EU member states sending soldiers to Ukraine, and this ratio is also 70-80 percent in the other member states. The prime minister believes that the majority of left-wing voters do not support the war either, and have not lost their sanity.

"This is what their leaders want, who are doing it because they are carrying out the orders that are in the interest of their masters who finance them, America and some Western European countries," he pointed out.

Speaking about Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico's video interview on Wednesday, Viktor Orbán said: what the Slovak Prime Minister said also applies to Hungary.

"It was an interview that every Hungarian should see if they want to understand what is happening behind the scenes in their country"

he pointed out.

The prime minister emphasized that everything is exactly as Robert Fico said: we are facing a mass of infiltration attempts, foreign money supports organizations that call themselves civil, but are actually political, and the pro-war media, behind which are Western countries, but mostly the United States stands

As he said, we already experienced these attempts to influence during the migration. Viktor Orbán reminded that Hungary has built a defense system in the face of American and Brussels pressure. He reminded us that in the case of illegal migration, we can also see that they want to force us to accept the masses of incoming foreigners.

He recalled that the left then claimed that migration was not a problem, yet thousands of innocent people have been killed by terrorists in Western Europe since mass illegal migration began.

Viktor Orbán said that it was Hungary's luck that it was left out of migration and resisted despite the fact that huge pressure was put on our country even during the time of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. And the system built for our protection, the legal, border protection and secret service systems form the basis of the protection of democracy. The prime minister also pointed out that Hungary's advantage is that it has a strong coalition government, which is rare in Western Europe. That is why, together with the existing democratic tools and the fight against disinformation, political stability is a given.

Viktor Orbán also emphasized that while the power of Western European governments can be divided and influenced by interests, Hungarian stability must also be preserved in the current European Parliament elections.

"The most important thing is to defend the government's efforts to protect Hungary's sovereignty and not allow it to be pushed into war."

Citing the events before the First World War, Viktor Orbán reminded us that at that time we were attached to an empire that kept the issue of war and peace to itself.

Now I see that we fended off the pressure from the European Union, Brussels, said Viktor Orbán. He added: the financial blackmail did not lead to results either, Hungary was able to defend its independence against the imperialist aspirations that are undoubtedly present in Brussels.

According to him, NATO is a more difficult matter, but Hungary should stay out of the alliance's military mission. Viktor Orbán emphasized: If we put our little finger into NATO's mission in Ukraine, as well as participate in the planning phase, we will be arrested.

In this way, according to him, we will lose our sovereignty, and from then on we will not be able to keep the Hungarian troops out of the war. The prime minister believes that preparations for NATO's involvement are very close. He said that it is necessary to make it clear to the future Secretary General that Hungary has the right to adhere to the provisions of the NATO Basic Treaty, according to which NATO is defined as a defense alliance.

The Prime Minister referred to military actions outside the territory of the military alliance, in connection with which he noted that a

"NATO demands an amount of 400 billion dollars from the member states every year, which I have not been willing to approve so far."

Regarding Sunday's election, he stated that regardless of the election result, the Hungarian government will stand for peace until the end, as the members of the government took an oath to preserve sovereignty.

He added: This Sunday, if they strengthen us, we will be able to hold out for a longer time. Even if we don't, we undertake what is our duty. Then we'll see how long we can last.

Viktor Orbán stated: We can represent Hungarian politics on the international stage, but behind it are the voters as a golden cover. If there is not enough gold lining between our words and our actions, then it can be seen that we are weak. And the question of staying out of the war is a question of strength.

When asked what Hungary could lose with another war, similar to the way the First World War tore our country's economic recovery in two, Viktor Orbán said: we have already lost a lot.

He pointed out that people may be less aware that they are financing the war against their will:

in the shops, we cannot buy at peacetime prices, but we pay a "war premium", because when the war starts, the prices go up.

The interest rates on loans necessary for the operation of companies are also rising, along with energy prices. The flawed Brussels sanctions system adds to the problem. Transport costs and security costs for companies are rising. Investing entrepreneurs are becoming more cautious. Overall, life will be more expensive, as the economy is not working - it was clear from the words of the prime minister, who also added that we must continuously pay into the EU's coffers the amounts that Brussels sends to Ukraine.

Viktor Orbán said: "we also pay into the EU coffers the amounts that will be given to Ukraine later, so I am fighting in the EU so that our money is not given there".

The prime minister also responded to NATO's demand that Jens Stoltenberg, the secretary general of the defense organization, would ask Ukraine for additional support of 40 billion dollars a year.

The perspective of the war is unpredictable: the money that seems to be enough today will turn out to be insufficient tomorrow morning, as this "Moloch devours everything".

According to Viktor Orbán, the pro-war parties can't get out of all this now, because then they would have to realize that the economic and human sacrifices made no sense.

The prime minister underlined that, on the one hand, the capital speculators are looking for "György Soros at the helm", and on the other hand, the governments provide political arguments for the war in accordance with their interests, if they have already invested so much in it.

This was the logic of war even in ancient times - but a long-lasting war never did any good, not even to the victors - pointed out Viktor Orbán.

The prime minister was also asked about the fact that the government bought back Budapest Airport, which operates the Budapest airport. In this regard, Viktor Orbán emphasized that a complex strategy lies behind the government's consideration:

"It's still a war, it's better if the country's only serious international airport is under our control," he said. As he said, although there are smaller airports in our country, they are incomparable to the Liszt Ferenc International Airport.

"We recovered an asset of which there is only one. And of which there is only one, you should never give it to someone else," he emphasized.

The prime minister also said that with the repurchase of the international airport, the Hungarian national wealth also increased. As he said, the state also involved large international operating companies, and their primary goal is to increase the value of the airport, thereby increasing the national wealth. Viktor Orbán emphasized that in this segment of market competition, the state would not be effective on its own, which is why it was necessary to involve long-standing international operators.

As he said, there is still a place for state involvement in the energy sector, but the number of these areas is limited. He emphasized that in addition to the French company involved in the operation, Qataris were also involved later, and these operators are among the leaders in the world in the field of airport operation.

Thus, "not state bureaucrats and managers gathered from here and there" manage this huge wealth, but professionals who have a definite vision for the future. At the same time, the Prime Minister emphasized that the state definitely wants to keep the majority ownership of the international airport.

Source: hirado.hu

Cover photo: MTI/Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer