You can sit at home, grind and wait for the roast pigeon to fly into your mouth - or you can do something so that those who want peace become the overwhelming majority. The governing parties are not leaving it to chance, they are planning an unprecedented mobilization for Saturday.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced that June 8 will be the Day of One Million Meetings, about fifty thousand activists of the governing parties want to visit 1 million citizens and encourage them to take part in Sunday's EU and municipal elections. The stakes of the former are huge, since if we succeed, we can set a limit to the rampage of the warmongers, but if we fail, our lives may be in immediate danger, and we may lose the hope of a peaceful and calm future for our children and grandchildren.

The Prime Minister emphasized on aa Kossuth Radio:

behind the pro-peace position are the voters as a golden cover.

"The electorate is a golden hedge. If there is not enough gold cover behind our words and actions, then it can be seen that we are weak, and staying out of the war is a question of strength," Prime Minister Viktor Orbán emphasized on Kossuth Radio.

The stakes are not small in local government elections either, as it became clear in the last 5 years: where the left-liberal side came to power, local communities were bankrupted and robbed, with a few respectable exceptions.

All of us can do a lot for the double success - the victory of the Christian-conservative side in the EU and municipal elections. All you need to do is to join the Fidesz-KDNP campaign and persuade the uncertain or even hostile voters to be guided by reason instead of emotions, for once not by hatred, but by logic when it is necessary to mark the side worthy of support and representatives.

June 8 should really be the Day of One Million Meetings!

Author: György Tóth Jr

Photo: Facebook/Viktor Orbán