Because going to war against Russia is a mistake whose consequences cannot be reversed. We just know. Written by Demeter Szilárd.

"The trouble is that they move on" -

there is no more exemplary manifestation of left-liberal self-destruction.

In September 2015, one independent objective journalist lamented the illegal migration crisis in this way:

"That's why I want hundreds of thousands of refugees not only to pass through Hungary, but also to want to stay here, and we welcome them with open arms."

There are two fundamental problems with illegal migration, as we said at the time: one is that it is illegal. We don't know who is coming, the Syrian brain surgeons have been found to be neither Syrian nor brain surgeons. On the contrary, they have a very strong, but different civilizational identity, so we imported anti-Semitism and homophobia at the same time, divide now

the LGBTQ propagandist blinks, because his way of life, or even his life, is in danger in the developed West, not in the Hungarian lowlands of Mucsa.

We now have concrete figures on how much the public security situation has deteriorated in countries that have accepted large numbers of illegal migrants. It was also revealed from the labor market data that it was not those who wanted to work who stormed the fence on Hungary's southern borders, condemned to be torn down by international activists.

That is why German politicians, for example, have recently started to repeat the messages that the Hungarian government made public on billboards and multilingual advertisements in the international press when the illegal migration crisis occurred, and which

the progressive elite condemned with frothing mouth. Let's give an example: if you come here, you must respect our laws.

It's not like this is such a new thing, haha, that's what we built Western civilization on - that is, on the rule of laws that apply equally to everyone.

In other words, it's just the usual: the Hungarians were not right, but turned out to be right.

And it was around this time that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán warned in his multi-round debate with Angela Merkel: there are mistakes whose consequences we cannot reverse. Posterity classifies these as historical errors.

This is what our Prime Minister called illegal migration, this is what we consider gender madness and woke, and this is what the gnawing war psychosis may turn out to be.

When the Russian-Ukrainian war broke out, I wrote on Mandiner that this war will escalate when the West does not want peace, but to defeat Russia. Based on the political rhetoric, this is where we are now.

My great-grandfather died at the front, my grandfather survived and came home from the war, my father was kidnapped from his family for years by the conscripts, which were mostly about field work.

I had already completed the compulsory service, which was one of my strongest motivations for university admission. And now I look at my seven-year-old son with concern, lest he suffer the fate of his great-grandfather.

Because going to war against Russia is a mistake whose consequences cannot be reversed. We just know.

This is what the first half of the 20th century was about around here, and we were moaning about its consequences in the second step in the second half of the last century. We suffered cruelly.

I will do everything to ensure that my son does not pay with his own blood for the short-sightedness and self-interest of the decision-makers who committed historical mistakes.

This is not our war.


Featured Image: A Ukrainian soldier sits in a trench in Bahmut, in the Donets Basin of eastern Ukraine, on December 31, 2022. In the city of Bahmut, electricity and gas services have been cut off due to the fighting that has been raging for more than four months. MTI/EPA/George Ivanchenko