The former head of the German stock market has been invented.

At the event organized by the Bavarian economic advisory board, Theodor Weimer sharply criticized the situation in Germany.

Theodor Weimer, former CEO of Deutsche Börse (German stock exchange) AG, said the following at the beginning of his speech at the "Bayerischer Hof" hotel in Munich:

I just had my 18th meeting with our Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Economy, Robert Habeck. And I can tell you that it is an absolute disaster.

In the beginning, he said, Habeck still listened, but "now the fundamentalists are increasingly breaking through" . Through his work, "first-hand knowledge" of what international investors think of Germany:

Our reputation in the world has never been as bad as it is now.

The 64-year-old specialist described the shocking situation:

"Negotiations with investors are fatalistic. The investors say that if you continue like this, we will avoid you even more, we will be even further away from Germany".

Investors are demanding a risk premium for Germany

International investors say we only invest in Germany because you are so cheap. We have become a scrap store! he thought.

The specialist lamented that there are no longer any accurate data to explain the strong Dax. Most of the investments in German companies were "purely opportunistic," reports Junge Freiheit .

Wiemer: "On the way to becoming a developing country" 

He summed it up in his own words:

Economically, we are on the way to becoming a developing country.

The entrepreneurs "we make ourselves small in front of Brussels and Berlin. Economic leaders were like rabbits staring at a snake, waiting for the snake to bite”. The boss, who employs 18,000 employees, also lamented: "we ruined the car industry" .

The "German business model" was deliberately destroyed. Energy prices have been raised and CO2 regulations have pushed car manufacturers into a "bad corner"

And all for nothing, because:

“In the next 35 years, we will still have internal combustion engines. What we're doing is crazy."

Sharp criticism of migration policy

Weimer emphasized that he didn't want to get too politicized, but he couldn't stop criticizing the migration policy: It was "generally considered completely wrong."

Regarding economic migration, he believed:

"If there is a shortage of skilled labor, you bring in people who speak your language and produce a social product, but not people who collect 50 percent of the citizens' income and send it somewhere."

Germany has enough ammunition for two days

Weimer also painted a devastating picture of national defense.

He accused the German government of "cheating" on NATO's two percent target.

The reason for this is that pensions are also included in the calculation: “Do they think that nobody in the USA notices what we are doing? This is crazy: we have enough ammunition for one and a half to two days".

Weimer stated:

According to all rankings, we are now not only in the lowest place,

but the trend is even more downward. This needs to change urgently, and we can only do that if we speak clearly at such meetings.”

Via Mandiner

Featured image: MTI/EPA/Friedemann Vogel