According to Maria Helena Costa, it was deeply inspiring to see firsthand how people united for Christian Europe, peace, family-friendly values, pro-life principles, and against gender ideology and globalism.

Here is the full letter:

“I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the invitation and the privilege to participate in such a large and significant event as the Peace March. It was an eye-opening experience that shed light on the contradictions and untruths that the media spreads in our country about your Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán.

It was deeply inspiring to see firsthand how people united for Christian Europe, peace, family-friendly values, pro-life principles, and against gender ideology and globalism.

We were deeply moved by the event, and it also made us determined to organize a similar peace march in our own country. The experience leaves an indelible mark on us, and we are committed to carrying on the spirit and message of the event.

Thank you again for this incredible opportunity, it was an experience of a lifetime!

We look forward to meeting again and continuing to support these vital causes together.

Best regards,

Maria Helena Costa"

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