Fidesz won again in Debrecen and Nyíregyháza, and the ruling party also regained Eger and Miskolc.

Five years ago, there were only 23 cities with county rights in the country, then the opposition won in 9 such settlements, while the ruling party gave mayors in 14 big cities.

By 2024, the number of cities with county status had risen to 25, as Baja and Esztergom also received this title in the meantime.

Shortly before 10:30 p.m., we were able to announce final results in three big cities: Péter Márki-Zay confidently won again in Hódmezővásárhely, Gyula Porga of the government party won again in Veszprém, and Békéscsaba was won by Péter Szarvas, who is running with the support of Fidesz, and whose association is Hajrá, Békéscsaba. won 8 seats in the representative body, which can result in a stable majority with 4 Fidesz representatives.

As in 2019, Kaposvár, Zalaegerszeg, Sopron, Nyíregyháza, Debrecen, Kecskemét and Székesfehérvár remained Fidesz-led.

In the two southern big cities, Pécs and Szeged, the opposition's Attila Péterffy and László Botka also retained their positions. András Nemény, who is running with left-wing support, is also running again in Szombathely. In Tatabánya, Ilona Szücsné Postztovits, who ran with the full support of the left-wing opposition, won again, but she will not have a majority in the representative body. László Csőzik from Érd also won big, who ran in the colors of the Szövetség Érdért, and received 61 percent in the city of Pest county.

Tamás Pintér, a former member of parliament and current mayor of Jobbik, won the mayoral election in Dunaújváros using a similar method, in union colors. Jácint Horváth, who is running with the full support of the left-wing opposition, is expected to win the election in Nagykanizsa in a close race.

The candidate of Fidesz won in both new county towns, Esztergom and Baja, in the latter town the reign of ex-momentumist Klára Nyirati was ended by the government's Kámánné Dr. Bari Bernadett.

In addition, there are three big cities in the northeast where Fidesz regained its mayoral positions: Pál Veress did not run again in Miskolc, and József Tóth-Szántai of the government party confidently won the mayorship of the Borsod county seat.

In Eger, on the other hand, Ádám Mirkóczki, the former spokesman of Jobbik, ran again in vain, but was defeated by Ákos Vágner of Fidesz. In addition, the ruling party has a good chance of winning the county seat of Nógrád as well: in Salgótarján, Bálint Kreicsi leads with 75 percent of votes against Máté Huszár by a thousand votes.

Győr, which brought a triple competition, and Szolnok, which brought a close double duel, deserve special mention. In Győr, after 100 percent processing of the votes, it can be said that Bence Pintér, the candidate of the LMP-Zöldek-Momentum.TSZV, won, while in Szolnok, also after 100 percent processing, Mihály Györfi, of the MSZP-DK-Jobbik-Párbeszéd-ZÖLDEK-Momentum-Agóra Egyesület- The candidate of the Let's Do It for Szolnokérett Association won.

We can therefore announce final results shortly after 11 a.m. in a total of 23 cities out of 25 cities with county rights: of which the Fidesz-opposition ratio is 14-9.

Cover image: In the image published by the Prime Minister's Press Office, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the president of Fidesz, gives a speech at the Fidesz-KDNP European Parliament and local government election results event at the Bálna National Defense Center on June 10, 2024.
Source: MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher