Anna Donáth admitted that their result in the European Parliament was a brutal failure.

The president of Momentum announced on his social media page that he accepts responsibility for the result of his party and resigns from his position.

"The change is happening before our eyes: the NER suffered a defeat in symbolic places, now for the first time they fell below 45% in an EP election. There is a glimmer of hope that this system can end - and whoever denies this hope out of selfish interests is doing Hungary a disservice.

Our European Parliament result is a failure - even if I feel that the voters primarily said yes to power, not to our work in the European Parliament.

Last night, however, I could not pass by our successes without saying a word: I am just as proud of them as I am responsible for the unsuccessful EP results. The fact that we defeated the old left and Fidesz at the same time in Zugló is a huge achievement. Like the revival of András Pikó and Tamás Soproni, the conquest of Bánréve, Vámospércs, Keszthely and Győr. I see the meaning of politics that comes from the heart. What we believe in. And we believe in this liberal policy. In a world where the extreme right is getting stronger, where right-wing populists are gaining more and more ground, it is even more necessary for someone to relentlessly stand up for these values. Do what you believe in the best way you know how and go to bed every night with a clear conscience is my philosophy. I will continue to do politics accordingly in the future," said Anna Donáth.

He then put it this way: his conscience will remain clear if he accepts responsibility and resigns from the position of party chairman.

"Thank you very much for the support of those who stood by us. Those who worked on the campaign, those who helped our work and those who voted for us. We will not give up, we will continue to work for you and with you", the current politician concluded his post.

The party won two seats in the European Parliament in 2019, but none in this year's election, so Anna Donáth and Katalin Cseh cannot continue their work in the European Parliament.

Cover image: Anna Donáth, president of Momentum, leader of the European Parliament (EP) list, holds a press conference at the party's event awaiting the results
Source: MTI/Tamás Vasvári