We have known since his first public appearance that the savior of the Tisza Party not only cannot stand criticism, but also generally does not tolerate human speech outside of his own. On Egon Rónai's show, he put the dot on the i after he was confronted with his lies. Even followers of his sect say that the leader should rest…

, Péter Magyar reacted to the incident in a Facebook post "Shame on you, both Fidesz's home television and the host, for whom it was more important to defend the indefensible with lies than to deal with yesterday's decision of more than 1,340,000 voters . I advise everyone to stay far away from ATV's propaganda programs. Even Hírtv is better than this, because at least there they don't lie about being independent."

Magyar then published about several employees of ATV, to which denomination he believed he belonged, calling one of them a former III/III agent.

In the comment section under the post, several sympathizers voiced their incomprehension regarding Péter Magyar's behavior, and several would send the Tisza Party vice-chairman to rest. Mandiner has collected some:

Péter Hungarian ATV commentary


Cover image: Péter Magyar, the vice-president of the Tisza Party and the leader of the European Parliament list, gives a speech at the party's European Parliament and local government election results event at the lower quay in Buda on June 10, 2024.
MTI/Robert Hegedüs