Dávid Vitézy announced that the recount was being initiated due to a number of system-level irregularities, and an audio recording was also leaked.

The mayoral candidate wrote in a Facebook post early Tuesday afternoon: "You can initiate a recount of the votes until Thursday. We will do that.”

As we wrote earlier , Gergely Karácsony won in Budapest in the close race on Monday morning: the mayor collected 371,467 votes (47.53 percent), while 371,143 (47.49 percent) voted for his challenger, Dávid Vitézy. At the same time, there were more than 24,000 invalid votes in the ballot boxes, and Dávid Vitézy already indicated during the vote counting that he was requesting a recount .

There were 76 invalid votes as many as the difference between us and Gergely Karácsony. The minimum in a democracy is that the votes are then recounted, especially since we have received reports of many systemic irregularities in connection with the votes declared invalid. We will introduce them

- he said, adding: "Whatever the decision of the bodies authorized to do so will be, I will accept the final decision. If Gergely Karácsony's victory becomes final, I will congratulate him - of course, if he is willing to pick up the phone by then, which he hasn't been able to do for two days, and if by then he doesn't want to smash my head in with a shovel."

The sarcastic turn of phrase appeared in Dávid Vitézy's post because an audio recording was recently leaked in which Gergely Karácsony allegedly said that Dávid Vitézy's head would be smashed with this.

The mayor was also confronted with the material in the Telex interview. Vitézy commented on all of this: "I felt his attempts to do this all along, the mayor spread and told countless lies about me in the past weeks. Instead of apologizing for it, he took the usual victim role - as always."

It would be nice to finally get over this campaign for the sake of Budapest and finally talk about the city. Unfortunately, the mayor did not succeed in this today either, instead he made new accusations and lies today, and now he attacked not only me, but also those who voted for me

- wrote Dávid Vitézy, which was quoted by Index.hu .

Photo: János Vajda, Attila Kovács / MTI