The last time Miklós Zrínyi did this was because he was fighting for his country and sacrificing his life by rushing out. Written by György Tóth Jr.

Even Zita Gurmai ran into the liquor store, but it was not a rush. And now we have this Pyotr Vengerszkij (Péter Magyar aka Péter Plató, the Lenin and Béla Kun impersonator), who escaped from Straight Talk

Why is that? Because he was confronted with the fact that he was an inveterate liar. However, Pyotr is unable to face even the slightest criticism, he reacts hysterically, like a spoiled child, to everything he doesn't like. It doesn't take much for him to hit the ground and scream: Mom, they're hurting me here!

It's deplorable. But no less what the members of his sect did, explaining the inexplicable, blaming, slandering - well, not their pet who behaved in an amazingly scandalous way, but the reporter, Egon Rónai. Because they think it's mean to publicly confront their leader with the facts, he should have done it in secret. But I have to ask again, why?

Didn't Pyotr Petya publicly lie about ATV that he was not invited - with an acceptable frequency, i.e. at least twice a day - to live broadcasts?

And if the accusation is public, the refutation must be as well. I know, of course, that the blind followers of the new messiah experience it as a personal insult when the object of their admiration is criticized, but if they had some insight, they would not object to this. A politician - he wanted to be one, no one forced him to - has to tolerate criticism, even sexist attacks. Viktor Orbán does nothing but tolerate it. Pyotr and his followers represent even worse quality, as they would not tolerate anything. Their gallery is characterized by a complete lack of insight and thinking, and according to the signs, nothing but insults and threats can be expected from them.

It's hard to even imagine what it would be like if this Pyotr found himself in the prime minister's chair as a result of some catastrophe.

Apart from the fact that from then on, both domestic and foreign citizens criticizing him would automatically become liars, imagine a parliamentary session with immediate questions. What would this narcissistic figure do? Would he jump at the questioner like a madman? Or what would he do if fate brought him together with a foreign politician who disagreed with him or a journalist who asked embarrassing questions? Would you stomp and shake your fist? The answer is yes and yes.

Péter Magyar ATV


But back to the rush. I have known Egon Rónai for a long time and even if he is not my friend, I respect his work. I don't agree with him, but the fact is that he is the one from the ATV guard who can be called a real professional, who, despite the fact that he is an employee of an undoubtedly liberal-minded body, tries to work and ask questions in a fair way. I'm not an avid viewer of ATV because I don't want my blood pressure to skyrocket all the time. I do not share their opinion, their basic position, on the contrary. But this time, I can only say that they acted in a correct way, even more delicately than the situation would have given.

They just didn't take into account that, according to his admirers, Pyotr is a holy man who believes this about himself.

This saint, however, did not stop his rampage at running out, he continued by listing ATV's employees - according to religious affiliation. If I am not mistaken, this was done by the Nazis, the Bolsheviks and most recently by Márton Gyöngyösi, the latter of whom wanted to compile a similar list of members of parliament. Now it's Pyotr, who has joined the inglorious predecessors.

It is not known how long the rampage of this maddened, revenge-fueled, hateful figure unable to control his temper will last, although I believe that it has already lasted much longer than desired. As long as he is blindly and deafly condemned by his fanatics, he surely believes that he is really the messiah.

Well, just run out as often as possible, complain if he doesn't like something, maybe sooner or later even those who are still blind and deaf to reality will notice that he is nothing more than a hysterical handwagger who shouldn't even believe what he asks .

On the other hand, you don't have to worry even if you go bankrupt as a politician. After all, as a lawyer and defender, he could probably use his temper more effectively. Just don't think about becoming a judge, because in that position you wouldn't be any different from communist blood judges.

And their time seems to be over.

Featured Image: Northfoto