Jens Stoltenberg was open to the possibility that Hungary would be left out of Ukraine's military support, because it has also happened before that NATO members did not participate in a mission.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg left open the possibility that Hungary would be left out of Ukraine's military support after Budapest expressed its objections, reports Bloomberg .

The Secretary General is already in the Hungarian capital and is negotiating with Viktor Orbán, according to his claim, aiming for a compromise.

While the pro-war politicians openly demand Hungary's participation in the military support of Kiev, Stoltenberg spoke about the fact that some members of NATO have been left out of missions in the past, for example in the case of Libya or Afghanistan.

The article says that Viktor Orbán's position worries Western countries because it could set a precedent, and possibly other countries will start to reduce the support they provide to Ukraine.

In this regard, the Hungarian Prime Minister stated that, legally, the country still has the opportunity to stay out of the military action outside NATO territory, but he is also waiting for a political response.

The article was reviewed for by Central Europe's expert, media watcher and market researcher, CEPER.

Featured image: In the image published by the Prime Minister's Press Office, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (j) receives NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (b) in the Carmelite Monastery on June 12, 2024. MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer