Most of them would spend at least HUF 10-20 thousand per person per day. Hungarian teenagers choose Lake Balaton , wrote

Every third Hungarian is definitely planning at least one Balaton vacation this year, most of them would relax by the Hungarian sea in the summer. Most of all, the guests want to spend a few days or a week around Lake Balaton, this was revealed by the joint representative survey of the Mandilla Hotel and the Opinio research company.

Four out of ten Budapest residents want to relax at Lake Balaton this year, and every fifth Hungarian has not yet decided whether to vacation around the lake. 52 percent of 16-19-year-olds visit Lake Balaton, but nearly two-thirds of the 50-59 age group do not plan to do so at all.

71 percent of beachgoers, especially those under the age of 20, mostly choose a summer vacation, but 11 percent of respondents like to spend time at the lake in spring, 14 percent in autumn, and 8 percent in winter.

Many of those who want to go to the waterfront already know where they are going. For them, the south (27 percent) and the north coast (19 percent) are both popular destinations. There is a similar proportion (14 percent) of those who plan to go to both coasts this year.

The cultural and outdoor programs, waterside experiences, local gastronomy, natural beauty and historical landmarks attract guests to the settlements on the northern coast.

66 percent of the young people surveyed would spend at least HUF 10,000-20,000 per person per day on vacation. A quarter of all respondents would spend HUF 20,000 to 40,000 per person, while 7 percent would spend more than that on daily expenses.

52 percent of those taking part in the research go for a day or two or a long weekend, a quarter of them spend a week, and every tenth respondent spends at least two at Lake Balaton.

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