Deutsche Welle hallucinates a growing right-wing threat.

Migrants in France and Germany are worried about their future due to the right-wing results achieved in the 2024 European Parliament elections.

Fears of increased discrimination and stricter policies are growing as Europe shifts to the right. It seems that France has turned towards the extreme right, laments the author of Deutsche Welle.

In France, the nationalist, right-wing National Consolidation (RN) party won 31% of the vote, twice as much as French President Emmanuel Macron's centrist alliance. Macron then dissolved the lower house of the French parliament and called for snap elections at the end of the month.

As France prepares for another round of elections, many in Europe worry that the RN, the right-wing populist Marine Le Pen's party, could come to power in the final two years of Macron's term in office.

Those of particular concern are migrants and those with a migration background. They are worried about their future in France.

They worry that they will be at a disadvantage when looking for work or accessing social benefits. "Fascism has arrived," the French Emilia Roig hysterically wrote on Instagram.

In autumn, Austria also faces new national elections. There, the right-wing Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) led in the last European elections, ahead of the conservative Austrian People's Party (ÖVP).

In Italy, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's right-wing Italian Brothers party also won the majority of votes.

In Germany, no party has won as many new votes in the European elections as the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD).

Overall, right-wing factions in the European Parliament have seen a huge increase.

Eyüp Kalyon, secretary general of the German Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB), one of Germany's largest Muslim organizations, told DW he was "seriously concerned" about political polarization after Sunday's election.

The author of the article hallucinates a growing right-wing threat. He believes that the idea of ​​"remigration", or raising the question of deporting people of non-German background, raised at a secret meeting in January, will lead to violence.

German police and counseling centers have warned that crimes motivated by right-wing political ideologies, particularly racist and anti-Semitic violence, are on the rise in Germany.

Cover image: Migrants are arriving in Europe
Source: YouTube