There is still a mathematical chance that the candidate of the left will not lead the capital in the following years, all the more so because it is rather suspicious that the proportion of invalid votes was extremely high in the districts led by the left.

According to the unofficial results of the mayoral election held on Sunday, the difference between the votes cast for Dávid Vitézy and Gergely Karácsony is extremely small. That is why, according to Zoltán Kiszelly, the mayor candidate of the LMP should apply for a recount of the invalid votes.

The analyst pointed out that there is a good chance that in the end, as a result of the recount, the proportions will be reversed, and Dávid Vitézy will be the winner of the mayoral election.

At the same time, Kiszelly said that there have been countless examples in the past of various elections in Hungary, where the party in second place requested a recount of the votes if the results were extremely close.

Regarding Vitézy's chances of winning the election, Kiszelly said:

"I can't see inside the envelopes, but mathematically Dávid Vitézy has a chance to win, and in order to make sure who is the winner of the mayoral election, in the first round only these barely 25,000 invalid votes, which are expected to have the results will be available in a week".

He also spoke about Gergely Karácsony, who was starting to create a mood regarding the political implications of the case and the recount

Zoltán Kiszelly, who said, considers it quite suspicious that the proportion of invalid votes in the left-wing districts, including the fourth district, is high.

"What Gergely Karácsony is currently doing is a communication pre-emption in case it turns out that these votes are still valid according to the law. The mayor can already guess that there will be a turn in the next few days, because he is apparently preparing the communication ground for the creation of a counter-scandal," added Kiszelly, who emphasized that Gergely Karácsony wants to prevent such a situation and has already started a narrative in his own bubble. distribute.

The decision has been made, the votes will be recounted

The analysis director of Századvég said that the most important thing in this situation is to act according to the law and to recount the votes classified as invalid in accordance with the regulations.

At the same time, the expert also gave an outlook: he said that for the left-wing parties, especially the Párbeszéd formation, the outcome of the recount has a huge stake, because the DK could permanently absorb Gergely Karácsony's micro-party if the currently reigning mayor loses the election.

If Karigeri loses the capital, the Párbeszéd Bárati Társaság will also lose its most valuable political product and the person who provides the most important bargaining position, Kiszelly stated.

He believes that if Párbeszéd loses the position of mayor, they will all suffer the fate of Benedek Jávor, who was placed at the back of the EP list of the Democratic Coalition and had no chance of getting a position.

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Dávid Vitézy, candidate for mayor supported by the LMP and the Association for Budapest with Dávid Vitézy
MTI/Tamás Purger