If the spirit represented by the Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, the leader of the Italian Brothers and Marine Le Pen, the president of the French National Consolidation, can be united in the wake of the European Parliament (EP) elections, it can finally be turned upside down the European Union - declared the founder of the Civil Solidarity Forum (CÖF), the chairman of the board of trustees of the Civil Solidarity Foundation (CÖKA) on Friday in Budapest, where it was also reported that the European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations behaved shockingly.

The EP elections proved that the confidence of the majority of people in the leading politicians and ruling parties of many countries was shaken, while at the same time the government of Fidesz-KDNP and Viktor Orbán received a confirmation authorization to continue its pro-peace policy, said László Csizmadia at a press conference.

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Photo: civilek.info

He put it like that

In Europe, "pseudo-liberalism" is collapsing, and the advance of the right is indisputable, which means a historic change.

The people of the central powers, i.e. France, Italy and Germany, voted for the sovereignty of their countries and rejected the concept of the European super dream, he added.

According to him

"the lurking danger of an open society still exists. The anti-liberal forces that sneaked into the European People's Party (EPP) would once again drive away the spirit of freedom with pseudo-right-wing methods.

See the stunned army of Péter Magyar (Vice President of the Tisza Party), immediately connected to the two-armed embrace of Manfred Weber (President of the EPP).

At the same time, peace supporters who represent real national interests, oppose illegal immigration, and reject gender can finally create a balance in the European Union - assessed László Csizmadia.

Zoltán Lomnici Jr., the spokesperson of CÖF-CÖKA, recalled that before the elections, discussions were held with the observers of the European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations (ENEMO).

In this regard, he complained that while they were at the disposal of the organization's delegates in everything,

completely opposite reports appeared in the press to what was said at the meeting.

He noted: they welcomed the organization's representatives despite the fact that they are considered biased against the Hungarian sovereignist community due to the organization's background and circle of financiers.

cöf press landscape 20240614 04 Zoltán Lomnici

Photo: civilek.info

They particularly object - he continued - that they were mentioned together with other organizations, such as Megafon, by the ENEMO representatives in their report on what happened at the CÖF-CÖKA headquarters, while these organizations were not mentioned at the meeting.

It is also objected that

ENEMO was also interested in sensitive data at the meeting that can only belong to the authorities.

Among them, information about which the Hungarian court ruled in the data request lawsuit initiated by Átlátszó against CÖF-CÖKA that the circle of private sponsors is not required to be made public.

During the conversation, it did not even arise that CÖF-CÖKA is closely related to the Hungarian government in their report, he added.

    At the same time, they reject ENEMO's finding that it is unfair for a candidate to withdraw from an election at the last minute.

There are many examples of similar setbacks in New Zealand, the Czech Republic and the United States. In other words, creating the impression that this type of backsliding is considered politically incorrect is unacceptable, he said.

He reminded that in the 2018 opposition primary election, Mayor Gergely Karácsony withdrew from the prime ministerial candidacy in favor of Péter Márki-Zay "under unclear circumstances". Therefore, the formulation of the criticism coming from the left-liberal side regarding the step back is frivolous and baseless, said Mr. Zoltán Lomnici.

The video of the press conference can be viewed here:


Civilek.info / MTI

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