At any cost, we must stay out of the mental disorder in Brussels, and the Court of Justice of the European Union cannot interfere in Hungary's internal affairs, Zsolt Bayer said on Friday at a demonstration in front of the European Commission's representation in Budapest.

The publicist organized a demonstration to protest the Luxembourg board's decision on Thursday, according to which Hungary must pay a lump sum of 200 million euros and an additional penalty of 1 million euros per day for violating EU asylum rules.

Based on the verdict, it seems that there is still a mandatory European migrant quota, even though recently many people were shouting that the whole thing was only invented by Viktor Orbán to bully people, said Zsolt Bayer.

He emphasized that only a small percentage of those arriving in Europe are genuine refugees.

He added: Hungary fulfills its obligations in this area as well, since it welcomes thousands of people from Ukraine, providing them with the opportunity to study and work, while other European countries want to deport Ukrainian men back to "certain death".

bayer-demonstration-eu-court in Zoltán Lomnici

Budapest, June 14, 2024.
Constitutional lawyer Zoltán Lomnici Jr. delivers a speech at a demonstration held in front of the European Commission's representation in Budapest on June 14, 2024.
Publicist Zsolt Bayer organized a demonstration to protest the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union, according to which Hungary must pay a lump sum of 200 million euros and an additional penalty of 1 million euros per day for violating EU asylum rules. MTI/Zoltán Balogh

Residents of other continents are not entitled to domestic protection, and Hungary is not responsible for the fact that other powers in Europe held colonies in previous centuries, he added. According to Zsolt Bayer

Europe has now "liquidated its remaining honor and decency" and its courts have become the crutches of Brussels scoundrels.

Hungarians still remember the Soviet people's courts well, and three and a half decades after the regime change, unfortunately, it may seem to them that

they arrived again in the Soviet Union.

In Brussels, the law no longer matters, the center of the EU is ruled by "dishonest people who think they are superior and omnipotent", he said. He added, however, that

the Luxembourg judgment is contrary to the Hungarian constitution, so it has no binding force.

According to the publicist, the defiance would not be without precedent, since the lower house of the Swiss parliament has just exempted the government from implementing climate measures against the decision of the European Court of Human Rights. At the same time, the Alpine country condemned the "judicial activism" of the Strasbourg panel as an intervention in Swiss democracy.

Similarly, Hungary must refuse the implementation of the Luxembourg judgment, as well as the mandatory European migrant quota -

announced Zsolt Bayer.


Budapest, June 14, 2024.
András Bencsik, the editor-in-chief of Demokrata, speaks at a demonstration held in front of the European Commission's representation in Budapest on June 14, 2024.
Publicist Zsolt Bayer organized a demonstration to protest the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union, according to which Hungary must pay a lump sum of 200 million euros and an additional penalty of 1 million euros per day for violating EU asylum rules. MTI/Zoltán Balogh

According to András Bencsik, the editor-in-chief of Demokrata, the unfair intentions of the EU should not be served under any circumstances. Hungary did not join this EU for 20 years, it did not vote for them because of threats from Brussels and their sly tricks, he said. He added: he believes that

the EU punishes Hungarians because they want to live as Hungarians in their own country.

At the demonstration, jr. Constitutional lawyer Zoltán Lomnici emphasized that Hungarian law is just as important as that of other member states, and if other states can stop the arbitrariness of Brussels, then Hungary can also stand up for its constitutional identity.

    A foreign population cannot be resettled in the country against the will of the Hungarians

and not because we are not hospitable, but because the people who live here do not want the chaos of 2015 to repeat itself, said the constitutional lawyer.


Cover image:
Publicist Zsolt Bayer gives a speech at a demonstration held in front of the European Commission's representation in Budapest on June 14, 2024.
Zsolt Bayer organized a demonstration to protest against the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union, according to which Hungary must pay a lump sum of 200 million euros and an additional penalty of 1 million euros per day for violating EU asylum rules. MTI/Zoltán Balogh