The traditional, conservative side in Europe and America must change its mentality. You have to give up the illusion of "peace is the key" and break the spiral of silence, otherwise the oppressive groups will sing the cheese out of our mouths. Alarm clock!!! - writes our dear reader in his opinion article.

The two biggest demonstrations in the EU in recent years are linked to the "yellow vests" and the farmers. In France, starting in 2018, the "yellow vests" protested for years against fuel price increases and the suspension of taxes on the rich, and then against the government's social policy. And in the winter of 2023/24, farmers across the EU also took to the streets for months against fuel prices, Ukrainian grain dumping, and the immeasurable administrative burden affecting them. The reason for both large mass movements was economic. In contrast, the population of the Union is silently swallowing the frog of unlimited immigration, gender madness, a culture of abolition, the consequences of the Ukrainian-Russian war and an impending nuclear war.

It seems that for the hedonistic, materialistic crowd of people living today, the enumerated matters no longer reach the stimulus threshold.

Eighty-one past, I re-read my old books and find something in each of them that has now become relevant again. Physicist Péter Berényi published in 1986, "Man and Science in the XX. in the last decades of the 20th century" he writes: "With the advent of nuclear weapons, a qualitative change took place in this field. For the first time, humanity became capable of destroying not only thousands and millions, but the entire humanity, itself. Some people don't understand this...people say: mankind has been through a lot, from poisoned arrows to airstrikes; the alarm of the ominous prophets is not to be taken seriously; we can survive nuclear weapons.”

But in the eighties of the last century, the memory of the horror of the Second World War and the atomic destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was still alive in German society. At that time, doctors were at the forefront of the anti-nuclear war movement.

P. Berényi: "This is how the motto of the Munich congress of the anti-nuclear war movement of West German doctors can be understood: 'We will not be able to help you.' All legislative regulations and civil defense practices only create the illusion that protection and assistance are possible.« 3,000 West German doctors participated in the congress. It is also worth mentioning here that approximately 90% of doctors and pharmacists died as a result of the atomic bomb explosion in Hiroshima."

French President Emmanuel Macron, who has lost his mind, Poland and the Baltic states, as well as Germany, Spain, Great Britain, Sweden are playing with fire. But the other states of the Union - with the exception of Hungary and Slovakia - are constantly adding fuel to the fire, sending more and more weapons to Ukraine. And what the West and Russia are doing today with the nuclear threat was succinctly formulated by Albert Einstein as follows:

" the hands of our generation, hard-earned knowledge is like a razor in the hands of a three-year-old child."

The German medical community was still aware of this danger in the eighties and raised its voice. Why are the world's medical community and physicists silent these days? Those who know exactly the consequences of a nuclear war. Why are only the voices of warmongers heard in the West? Why aren't there anti-war demonstrations like there used to be? How much do normal people listen to? How did normality end up in the minority?

In his book "Climate hysteria and other curable diseases", published in 2008, Tamás Maklári vividly points out the techniques used by an aggressive, pushy small group to deceive society. Since I did not manage to establish contact with the author of the book for the use of quotes, instead of his brilliant wording, I am forced to outline the essence of the "listening-spiral" concept introduced by the author in my own words.

In the beginning, a small, overzealous, mission-minded group embarks on an intensive campaign. First, many people who are interested in the matter but uninformed join this pressing minority group. After that, although they do not agree with the matter - mainly on the basis of peace - more and more people in the majority start to listen. This is when the "listening spiral" begins. By this time, the case has attracted the attention of certain media, where the aggressive minority opinion is constantly appearing. This forces more and more people in society to remain silent because people are afraid of being shamed and ostracized. In this way, public opinion slowly develops the false illusion that the minority opinion is actually the majority opinion, since in the press campaign only the voice of the minority opinion is heard. The "spiral of silence" method is used by the fanatical "poison greens", which slowly brings German industry to its knees, and nowadays they are the ones creating war hysteria.

With the help of the globalist media, the leadership of the Union forces the majority opinion down the throats of the population that the Ukrainian-Russian war is our war, and that we must help Ukraine even at the cost of a nuclear war.

The "listening spiral" is actually the anteroom of the compulsion of politically correct speech.

This is why there are no mass movements these days, and why doctors and scientists are silent on the issue of nuclear war.

The traditional, conservative side in Europe and America must change its mentality. You have to give up the illusion of "peace is the key" and break the spiral of silence, otherwise the oppressive groups will sing the cheese out of our mouths. Alarm clock!!!


Pál Bartha ny. forest engineer



(The opinion articles do not necessarily reflect the position of the editors of