The American Death Party (alias the Democratic Party) and the seriously demented American president, a certain Joe Biden, are not bothered by the aggression against Christians, but rather by the fact that fetal life is protected in many member states.

The Death Party furiously attacks pro-fetal laws and organizations, but they do their best to help embryo-killing organizations such as Planned Parenthood, one of the vanguards of the abortion industry. The band, whose name itself is a lie, translated into Hungarian means: Planned Parenthood.

However, they "plan" to have as few parents as possible and to kill as many fetuses as possible.

This, that is, the American genocide, is supported and assisted by the Death Party. This is what the pro-death president does, even more so the vice president. Kamala Harris's hysterical outbursts against the pro-lifers, with the help of the Death Party prosecutors and judges, send the pro-lifers to prison, i.e. they try to intimidate everyone who acts to reduce the number of abortions.

Let's add that the Death Party also serves the cult of killing life in other ways, just think of the unconditional support of the war in Ukraine. Unspoken and unspoken, they want to continue waging war, i.e. bleeding Ukrainians (because that is what is happening, even if it is called a fight against the Russians) as long as possible.

But back to the Death Party's abortion policy. While the vanguard of feticide, they carefully avoid investigating the hundreds of cases of violence against pro-life Christians. They do not care about those who throw bricks through church windows, who set fire to churches at night, disrupt services, harass believers and ping obscene inscriptions on church walls. In the past two years, these attacks have multiplied, but the Biden administration is turning a blind eye to them.

The pro-life portal recalls that when the Supreme Court overturned the Roe v. Wade ruling two years ago (the original ruling declared abortion a fundamental right, this was abolished by the Supreme Court), abortion rights extremists had a "summer of rage" promised. They wanted to kill a judge and attacked pro-life pregnancy centers across the country. In the first place, of course, they declared a total war against the Catholic Church, since it has always acted against abortion.


Source: / 11-week fetus

Since May 2022, there have been 259 proven acts of violence and vandalism against Catholic churches, causing millions of dollars in damage, but the intention of intimidation and the fact that people of faith are prevented from exercising their civil rights and faith are much more serious than the financial ones. But in prosecuting acts of violence, the Biden administration does not excel, to put it mildly. On the contrary, while those who pray peacefully in front of abortion clinics are prosecuted and convicted, attacks against pro-lifers are ignored. A leaked FBI document reveals that the organization "violent extremists with a radical-traditionalist Catholic ideology and racial or ethnic motivations .

In words, the Biden administration talks about fighting against threats to democracy, but at the same time it excels in persecuting the Catholic Church and Catholic believers and restricting their rights.

Conservative Americans can only expect to stop the rampage of the Death Party, which excels in genocide, from the November voting, as former and now presidential candidate Donald Trump supports the efforts of the pro-lifers. According to a LifeNews report, the former president said at the opening of the Danbury Institute's Life & Liberty Forum in Indianapolis that he will protect "innocent life" if he is re-elected in November.

"We must protect freedom of religion, freedom of speech, innocent life, and the heritage and tradition that have made America the greatest nation in the history of the world."

Trump said. "But now, as you know, we are a declining nation" .

Featured Image: Pixabay