Under the burden of this heavy penalty, it is stipulated that migrants who come to Hungary illegally can enter the country without hindrance.

"The Court of Justice of the European Union issued a statement which, among other things, states: "Contrary to some media interpretations, the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union on June 13 does not oblige Hungary to accept illegal migrants, nor to abandon the country's legal border protection measures.«

Legally, they are right. In practical terms, however, they are doing exactly that: they are forcing Hungary to accept illegal migrants.

Namely, by requiring, under the burden of this heavy penalty, that migrants who come to Hungary illegally can enter the country without hindrance, move freely here, submit their asylum application, and wait for its result while moving freely.

Since the practice for years has been that European countries can only deport a very small proportion of those who are legally rejected, the court's verdict, although not de jure,

de facto obligation to tolerate illegal migration.

As such, it seriously violates Hungary's sovereignty."


Featured image: MTI/Zoltán Máthé