Let's see what this trip was like!

Do they still remember? Recently, the malicious foreigners who live with us shouted that "there is no mandatory quota, there will not be a mandatory quota", this whole thing was invented only by "zorbán" to scold the people.

Here is the mandatory quota.

Let's look precisely and factually, let's turn to the unappealable oracle, the European Court of Justice, which justifies the judgment against us as follows: Hungary, by not allowing illegal immigrants into its territory, prevents,

that the reception of persons applying for international protection, the assessment of their applications, and the return of illegally staying third-country nationals are ensured in accordance with EU law, seriously violates the principle of solidarity and fair distribution of responsibility between member states. As this breach of obligation is considered an unprecedented and extremely serious violation of EU law, the Court orders Hungary to pay a lump sum of 200 million euros and a coercive fine of one million euros for each day of delay.

Did you listen? "The principle of solidarity and the fair distribution of responsibility between member states." This is the mandatory quota. Which doesn't exist and won't exist, since it was invented only by "zorban". And now we have to pay one million euros (400 million forints) a day because we said no. What kind of solidarity and responsibility are we talking about anyway?

The West became rich by occupying, subjugating and then robbing the rest of the world at certain points in its history. And the former colonies of the West are now footing the bill.

The ice licks back: the ever-increasing population of the former colonies, living poorly or downright miserable, who in many cases are still kept in colonial line by their former subjugator - we are talking primarily about France - well, these masses left for Europe. They left for the West, hoping for a better life. We understand. But what do we have to do with all this?

Where and in what context does the question of our solidarity and responsibility arise? No way. Also, let's be rigorously precise, let's see, did we ever have a colony?

In such cases, Ferenc Józsefland probably jumps out at everyone. And indeed: "The archipelago was discovered in 1873 by an Austro-Hungarian expedition led by Julius von Payer and Karl Weyprecht, who named it after Francis Joseph I out of respect for the ruler. One of the islands was named Zichy Land after Edmund Zichy, who supported the expedition."

So far so good - but let's continue:

"The Monarchy did not declare its claim to the archipelago, later Norway and the Soviet Union also claimed it for themselves. The latter officially declared the area as its own property in 1926, and since the two Norwegian ships launched in response got stuck in the ice, the crew of the Soviet icebreaker Georgy Sedov arrived earlier. The Soviet government annexed the area in 1932, attached it to the Russian SSR and established military bases."

So even Ferenc József land was never our colony, but let's be generous: we hereby declare that Hungary will immediately take in and provide for three polar bears, five arctic foxes, four walruses, five seagulls and five terns, and if the need arises, one we also undertake beluga keeping. This is exactly our solidarity and responsibility, and we expect the European Union to at least play its part in maintaining the beluga, as a sign of solidarity and responsibility.

Now that we've cleared that up, let's look at the next question: who are the refugees we should accept? It follows from the above that

a tiny minority of migrants can be considered true refugees, people who are fleeing a real danger, war or civil war, and seeking asylum. This is a tiny minority of illegal immigrants - but they do exist, and they are indeed eligible for admission.

So let's see what international law says about this? It says that a refugee is entitled to reception, protection and a hearing in the first safe country. Clear speech. And then let's ask the question: is there a country where war or civil war is raging, from which people flee with right and reason, and for those fleeing from which country, Hungary is the first accessible safe country?

Yes, there is such a country, there is such a country: Ukraine. Does Hungary accept, provide for, and protect refugees fleeing from Ukraine? Yes.

And what is the European Union up to? They want to deport Ukrainian men of military age who are really fleeing the war back to Ukraine, to certain death. They couldn't have invented anything more vile, more disgusting, more disgusting. The mere idea that this could even arise in the minds of the Germans and, unfortunately, the Poles after them, destroyed the remaining, very little honor and decency of the European Union.

And at this moment, the judgment of the European Court arrived, according to which we should first pay a penalty of 200 million euros, and then a penalty of one million euros per day, because we are not in solidarity, we do not take joint responsibility and we do not do our part in providing for the refugees. This is how we arrived in the Soviet Union again. One of our veterans, István Csurka, said at the time that "the tanks went out, the banks came in" . Yes, it was. Then the banks were disrupted by this government, thus regaining a very important part of national sovereignty. And now the European Court has arrived. The European Court of Justice is not a court, but a political crutch, the extended arm and will of the villains of the European Commission and the European Parliament, just like the people's courts of the Soviet system were.

We know this world well. Let's quote a dialogue from the cult film of all of us, The Witness:

József Pelikán: What did the lawyer say? Pelican's Daughter: He said he would do his best. József Pelikán: How much will I get? Pelican's daughter: Well, that depends, because it might just be a fine, but it might be the most severe, in other words, death. I like to know, the question is whether they want to set an example with their father. József Pelikán: What? Death? Pelican's daughter: Stating is the point, because that's how daddy gets the punishment. József Pelikán: Nice thing. What else did the lawyer say? Pelican's daughter: He said that they shouldn't be surprised if he asks for a very severe punishment at the trial. József Pelikán: Who is he? The defense attorney? Pelikán's daughter: Yes, because if dad were kulaks, there would be a lot of them now, but because dad is a party member and he is a non-party member, so socialist right and all that. József Pelikán: What about socialist law? Just think! Pelican's daughter: Well, the statuary is the point. And so you don't get nervous...

We live in this world, this world has arrived again, we have arrived in the Soviet Union.

What exactly happened? The European Commission has repeatedly turned to the court to condemn Hungary for not showing enough solidarity, not being responsible enough, i.e. protecting its own and the European Union's external borders, not allowing migrants into its territory, only genuine ones fleeing the war in Ukraine, so according to them, not we comply with the mandatory distribution mechanism, which does not exist anyway, the so-called mandatory migrant quota. The European Commission is therefore asking the court to fine us HUF six million per day after establishing all of this.

And that's when the European Court comes and decides under its own jurisdiction that six million a day is not enough, let it be four hundred million a day... Don't be surprised, dad, if the lawyer will ask for the death penalty...

We arrived in the Soviet Union. The law is nothing, the law does not matter, the idea is everything. In the European Parliament, in the European Commission, in the European Court of Justice, the majority today are vile, brainless, dishonest scoundrels who imagine themselves to be superior and omnipotent, and are convinced that the sick, abnormal and disgusting world they believe in is the real one. the best of worlds, and anyone who wants to stay out of it is the enemy.

Let's put it another way: this world is Soros's open society, the borderless, open world, and most of the members of the European Parliament, the commission and the court are paid by the same old scoundrel. And we will stay out of this mental trouble. At any cost.

And let's not forget: this judgment of the European Court is in stark contrast to the Basic Law of Hungary, so it has no validity for us. We'll do it. We don't accept it, we don't implement it and that's it. You can do us a favor.

And here is a very important precedent, fresh, crisp news, I quote:

On Wednesday, the lower house of the Swiss parliament voted on a resolution exempting the government from implementing climate action required by the European Court of Human Rights. Back in April, the Strasbourg panel obliged Switzerland to do more in the fight against climate change. […] After the Swiss upper house, the lower house also responded to the unprecedented European judicial decision with a legislative act: with 111 votes in favor and 72 against, a non-binding motion was adopted, which condemns the "judicial activism" of the European Court of Human Rights and states: the Bern government has already done a lot against global warming, no further action is needed. In the general discussion of the motion, representatives of the government party condemned the decision of the Strasbourg court, describing it as an intervention in Swiss democracy.

That's what it's about.

We also condemn the "judicial activism" of the European Court of Justice and consider it intolerable that the European Court of Justice, the European Commission and the European Parliament interfere in Hungarian democracy.

Get out of our lives, you scoundrels! Enough of the Soviet Union!

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Tamás Kaszás / Index