Orbán "spits his disgusting shit in the stands", "Stadium stop" and Farkasházy - these are some of the reasons why football has now really become a "right-wing genre". Written by Ervin Nagy.

I can't imagine anything more repulsive in the stands than someone only wanting to be a fan when the game is on. You can see a lot of that.

For years and decades, he scolds Hungarian football and insults Hungarian football players, mocks the Hungarian national team, and even laughs at "being Hungarian".

Then the work against the wind bears fruit, success comes, the team gets to a world tournament, millions celebrate the players - and the guys who have been playing football until now suddenly take up the national flag.

God, there are so many of you…

Here, for example, we have left-wing politicians with an internationalist spirit. And, of course, liberal-minded global citizens. And what do they have in common? Their blind faith in progress. Since the system change, we have banded together precisely because their insatiable desire for progression overrode all other commitments, and their hatred of natural communities bridged the differences.

Copying the progressive West has been the common denominator of the left and liberals for the past thirty years.

As a result, their relationship with the national community was weaker than what we would expect from a fellow citizen. But this wouldn't be so important if they hadn't kicked and mocked those who proudly claimed to be Hungarian.

Of course, there were and are exceptions, I also know leftists with national sentiments, but they are the minority. Unfortunately... I note that this is the reason why several liberal and left-wing politicians have recently felt that it is not a shame to betray our country in Brussels. In fact, there are those who are proud of it.

Gyurcsány supporters, socialists, momentarians, Párbeszéd and now Jobbik - they have always loved power and Western models more than their country.

Both good and bad. Because this is where true patriotism begins. Whoever correctly answers the question of what is more important, Hungarianness or progress, understands what we are talking about.

The weak attachment to the homeland is reflected in their relationship with sports, soccer, but mostly with the Hungarian national football team.

Soccer is for everyone. As are all achievements of democracy and constitutional rights. However, supporting the Hungarian national team is not a political, but a moral issue.

Just as being a fan is not a subjective right, it has to be earned!

This is what most left-wing and liberal politicians have missed in recent decades. However, no one wanted to ostracize them, no one wanted to keep them away from the stands. No one would have disputed their commitment or their Hungarianness. They moved away.

In fact, liberals and left-wing politicians can blame the fact that soccer has become a right-wing genre.

Here are just a few frightening examples.

Farkasházy Tivadar said a few years ago that when the national team loses, he always consoles himself with the fact that we gave Viktor Orbán a bad day. The question arises: who gave Viktor Orbán a bad day? The enemy? Or Farkasházy? So who is the "comedian" pushing?

He is the one who actually goes to matches, yet he makes politics out of what should be a national issue.

In fact, this is a prime example of how the left alienated itself, because no one outed Farkasházy. He was the one who equated the right wing (Viktor Orbán) with the Hungarian national football team.

But let's look at the strange relationship with football of three blood opposition politicians who have defined the public discourse of recent years! A post-communist, i.e. an old biker, a "new generation" liberal, and a city manager.

The last time Gyurcsány "loved" sports was as Minister of Sports. Then he became prime minister, and football's step-years followed. But the later DK president really showed his true relationship with football when he (again) became the leader of the opposition. With his countless sarcastic remarks, he incited dislike for football, and preventing the construction of stadiums became one of his main political goals.

As it turned out, he was even behind Gergely Karácsony when he announced the "stadium stop" campaign in 2019. (Fortunately, nothing came of it!) Then came the statements that Orbán was "spitting his disgusting ass in the stands"... and so on, year after year.

In fact, Gyurcsány used the increase in dislike for soccer to increase hatred against Orbán. As the elections and of course the success of the national football team show: not with much success.

But his wife, Klára Dobrev, took the hatred to its peak. Moreover, the former shadow prime minister (if there is such a public position, he held it) committed the "feat" of kicking religious people and football (and not football) at the same time, when he said that the church is the new stadium.

Do we understand and feel hatred?

Gergely Karácsony brought the usual - we could say. In 2019, with the slogan "stadium stop", he promised that not a single new sports facility would be built in Budapest (because that price would buy many, many ventilators - as left-wing demagogy has always claimed), then he took a selfie with the Puskás Stadium on his social media page at its opening. And see a miracle: in the company of András Fekete-Győr.

With this hypocritical attitude, he covered that particular potty. There was a scandal out of it. They rightly fell to the mayor.

If soccer has become a right-wing genre, it is precisely because of the boundless hatred of the left and the hypocritical behavior of Gergely Karácsony.

András Fekete-Győr also did a lot to make soccer a right-wing genre. In fact, in 2021, when we qualified for the European Championship and played two matches here at home, the politician of the moment published a video in which he apostrophized himself as a supporter and a politician, then pulled on a shirt with a coat of arms and walked around the Puskás Arena as if he were a small she would be a huge fan since childhood.

In the meantime, a video from a few years ago came to light, in which he saw Hungarian football in a completely different way, and in which he said: "That's not enough for me, I'm sorry that because I'm Hungarian, I have to love Hungarian football, no matter how shitty it is . That's why I won't".

Now he posted photos again. Of course, because this is the "fashion" right now. And Fekete-Győr wants to be the president of Momentum again.

Will Péter Magyar restore the credit of the left? It would be too early to give a reassuring answer to this question. The start didn't go well every night. The fiery red BMW sports car took the focus away from the main thing, i.e. soccer and the Hungarian national team.

But the problem is more that it's not about his love of football. This photo tells us that Péter Magyar is a cool guy with a lot of money and "good taste".

They say that a true fan does not leave his team even in trouble. He perseveres through thick and thin, and admits his affection to the world at large. It's a bit like marriage.

Do we believe that we were born Hungarian for a reason? That it wasn't random chance that threw us into the Carpathian basin, so we have to deal with this peculiarity that is inseparable from our existence?

Being born Hungarian is not a matter of choice, but becoming Hungarian is. A Hungarian is one who accepts his Hungarianness, and this is a lifelong mission.

This does not include me betraying my country, nor does I support the national team only when the game is on and when it is fashionable.


Cover image: Péter Magyar also plays the hard pusher
Source: Facebook/Péter Magyar