Anyone who resists their crazy plans must be punished, kept under constant pressure, huge lies created about him, and hit with the withdrawal of money. This is how we Hungarians have lived since we joined the EU. Written by Katalin Kondor.

Our persecution will not end. I mean in the European Union. We have suspected for a long time, and now we already know, that it is almost mandatory in the organization to insult and punish Hungarians, to shame traitors to our country, to illegally withdraw money due to us, to spread massive lies, and so on.

Do we need to say that the latest fart against us is here, perhaps the dirtiest of all.

Because now we would have to pay many millions of euros to this fundamentally immoral company, precisely because we decided not to allow illegal immigrants into our country, and the strange gentlemen of Europe certainly resent this.

They quickly found out that our country is being used as a dumping ground for migrants, since we obviously won't be able to pay the fine. I guess this also means that we would be the ghetto, and then the strange lords of Europe would select slaves from here according to their whim, who would work for them, and of course, after some robots, they would be deported back to their "home", Hungary.

Today's world is such that perhaps even neighboring countries that don't like us too much are happy about this vile order, at least they are not punished with such "orders".

Which, as is already known: due to our recalcitrant behavior, i.e. because we did not want to approve the migrant distribution quota, it is ordered that our punishment is as follows:

our country must pay 200 million euros, a so-called lump sum, and one million euros, a so-called coercive fine, for each day of delay.

I think that's what they say makes the knife open in one's pocket.

Anyone who can and dares to think must clearly see what is going on here. Well, anyone who resists their crazy plans is immediately ordered to: punish him, keep him under constant pressure, create huge lies about him, deprive him of money and so on. This is how we, Hungarians, have lived since our entry into the European Union.

In any case, we have a lot of experience with the methods of executions, due to our history. During the existing communism, for example, people who fell into the clutches of the ÁVÓ were slowly beaten to death. Every day the person got his, and then sooner or later he suffered. The "punishment", in Hungarian, the "dosing" of the beating, was essential. As we know from Mária Wittner, they used the dirty trick of always postponing the date of execution with those sentenced to "legal" execution, and with the people of the spirit, and this was also communicated to them. Then, of course, sooner or later they were "cleaned up".

Well, that's the European Union today. A filthy trap.

After all, there hasn't been a day for a long time that those who conspired to eradicate it or to keep it in chains are not trying to make "educated Europe" ugly. It is no longer the case that this continent is a federation of equal countries, as the countries are slowly disappearing, and as in the past during communism, we receive orders from the center, and of course the henchmen are also controlled from there. The center around this time is the United States.

Obviously, many people still remember, as it happened recently that a so-called global minimum tax was planned there, and they informed the Union that this was necessary. And done. Non est appellata, as the learned Latin said, meaning no appeal, no exception. The higher command knows no opposition.

Just as it does not recognize the right of independent decision-making and independence of countries, as it constantly wants to dictate.

There is also a flood of passengers. We should deliver weapons to Ukraine, hug everyone who is involved in the LGBTQ+ issue several times a day, not to mention the army of illegal migrants, and so on.

To implement these ideas, they have helpers or rather commanders like Mr. Soros, whose world-changing plans we have known for a long time.

but apart from trumpeting the methods by which he tries to wipe out a part of humanity, turn him into zombies and tell every living thing what to do, it seems that there is no stopping him and his circle. Those who want to turn the world upside down are pushing forward like a knife in butter. And they get all the help they can get.

As it turned out in the Hungarian elections, we could not stay out of foreign intervention either, because this was ordered from over there, from the commander's workshop. Mr. Soros' "world savior" plans have reached everywhere. Bring it to you, independence and freedom slogans!

The old "Europe" it once represented is no more. This is undeniable. Whether it will happen again at some point is unpredictable. Many people, we have written many times, have already written the evidence of the abduction of Europe. It has become a place that cannot place itself, has given up its pride and independence, is money-hungry, morally irresponsible, unbelieving, disregards its wonderful culture, has a confusing philosophy, lives under the spell of money, is not ashamed to steal and cheat, and its leaders change their beliefs daily. push him into an even bigger gap than he was in so far.

And now, by punishing Hungary, they want to establish their prosperity even more, to push the migrants onto the necks of others, i.e. exclusively Hungarians.

And of course, as we describe almost every day, they want to preserve their power with persistent repression, projecting nightmares of pandemics and environmental disasters. And of course they attack everyone who still believes in the rules formulated by the Creator, in normal thinking and behavior. Well, I think we've fallen into a trap with our entry. There is no greater proof of this than the fact that they want to turn our country into a migrant nest, or a supporter for the masters of the EU, so that they can pocket the crazy sums they demand from us and have a good laugh.

And before I forget, Mr. Soros said the "key phrase", the essence, or rather the intention, the other day: "The war in Ukraine can be won with Western technology and Eastern European people."

We get it, straight talk. After all, this is also one of the methods of our execution and the proof that many people have a toothache for our country.

Hungarian Newspaper