Another example of anti-Hungarian discrimination: the Romanian-majority municipality "forgot" about the Hungarian residents of the city in connection with the European football championship taking place in Germany.

The city hall announced on Thursday that the city will set up a giant projector on the main square, called Szent László by Hungarians and Egyesülés by Romanians, on which it will be possible to follow the matches. However, not all of them.

Only four matches will be played: the group matches of the Romanian national team and the final.

According to the announcement, the match viewing was organized by Visit Oradea, established to promote the municipality and the city's tourist destinations, with the support of Digi Romania, which is otherwise based in Nagyvárad.

It is already incomprehensible why not all matches can be watched on the main square - eight years ago, when an Austrian-owned bank was the main sponsor of watching matches on the main square, the entire European Championship could be watched on site, while three years ago, due to the epidemic, the possibility of mass viewing of matches did not even arise - and among the Hungarians of Várad, it is even more cause for indignity that

if not all the matches are shown, in addition to the eleven matches of the Romanian national team, at least the performances of the Szoboszlais can be watched on Szent László Square.

Even so, the city's Hungarian citizens still remember what an experience it was when, during the 2016 European Championship, fans dressed in cherry red Hungarian national team jerseys, waving red-white-green flags, flooded the main square, and the National Anthem roared from thousands of throats. and Ria, ria, Hungária! During the Dzúdzák's march in France.

Presumably, this may have disturbed some circles, and the decision on the limited possibility of watching matches was made in order to prevent another Hungarian "occupation of space".

Which, of course, outraged the Hungarian citizens of the city: since then, comments criticizing the local government have been hitting each other on social media sites.

The case has already reached the threshold of irritation among Hungarian politicians: István Hunyadi, the RMDSZ member of the city assembly - who, by the way, is an actor of the Szigliget Theater "in civilian life" - petitioned the local government on Saturday afternoon about the case. In it, he notes: he was surprised to read that the municipality's city promotion institution and its partner organization broadcast only a few of the matches of the European football championship. He points out: this is also surprising because, with the exception of the Covid period, this social experience has always been provided in Nagyvárád, which provided high-quality entertainment for thousands of people.

At the same time, he also notes that the city of Szatmárnémeti, like many other big cities, ensures that its residents can watch the entire European Championship program.

As an RMDSZ councilor, I am turning to you to correct this hard-to-interpret decision by providing a new location, this experience is also for all residents of Hungarian nationality," says the councilor. The one who, in a somewhat debatable way, would give up on the Hungarian community being able to watch the European Championship on Szent László Square, and suggests an alternative location for watching the matches of the Hungarian national football team: the square behind the theater or one of the suitable squares in Nagyvárad Castle. Although the two fan bases would not even meet, since the matches of the two national teams are not on the same day.


Cover image: You cannot watch the matches of the Hungarian national team at Szent László Square in Nagyvárad
Source: Kró