The American secret service may have continued a discrediting campaign against Chinese Covid vaccines - this was revealed by the international news agency Reuters. According to them, a coordinated communication campaign was taking place just when the pandemic was at its peak, thousands were dying every day, and it would have been important for people to trust the vaccines.

Abandoned streets, closed shops and people wandering around - the world's busiest and most crowded locations painted one such picture one by one in the spring of 2020. The coronavirus pandemic turned the world upside down in just a few weeks, and the rapid spread of the virus claimed more and more lives every day.

The only effective solution was the development of a vaccine, but the world had to wait almost a year for the first vaccines.

The Chinese high-tech pharmaceutical company Sinovac was the first to announce that it had completed the vaccine. Although the vaccine began to be delivered almost at the same time as the product of the German-American interest Pfizer-BionTech, international magazines and medical experts also argued in favor of the Chinese vaccine.

While Pfizer developed an mRNA vaccine based on a new technology, Sinopharm delivers the spike protein gene into the body using a traditional process, i.e., the previously used discarded virus. According to the tests, even after the first dose of vaccination, antibody production in the body started significantly and Sinopharm proved to be effective against new versions of the coronavirus.

Among the arguments in favor of Sinopharm was the fact that the vaccine does not require special cooling, so it is easier to handle and can be stored longer.

It is also thanks to this that 30 million people worldwide received the Chinese Sinopharm by January 2021, that is, in just one month. Among other things, this vaccine was chosen by wealthy Middle Eastern countries such as Bahrain or the United Arab Emirates.

They tried to unsettle people with fake news

Two doses of the Chinese vaccine are ineffective against the omicron variant. The Indonesian doctors vaccinated themselves with Sinopharm and got sick - such and similar articles appeared in the columns of one of the largest American daily newspapers, The New York Times.

Although the Chinese vaccine was certified by professional bodies, the American press published hundreds of articles every day questioning its effectiveness,

and these were also adopted by the media of other countries.

The Hungarian government was also continuously attacked for acquiring a large amount of Chinese vaccine.

The American secret service has spread the word that the Chinese Covid vaccine is ineffective - this is what Reuters is now writing about. The international news agency has identified at least 300 fake user accounts on one of the largest social networking sites that have published content questioning the effectiveness of the Chinese vaccine. The posts were later shared by US military officials.

According to Reuters, the US military launched the secret campaign in the Philippines,

but the Pentagon adapted fake news to local audiences everywhere.

Among Muslims, for example, they complained that the vaccines contain pig tissue, so the Chinese vaccine is not compatible with the laws of the Islamic religion.

The investigative report of the international news agency reported that Washington's goal, even at the height of the epidemic that claimed the lives of millions of people, was to reduce China's influence in the Far and Middle East by spreading fake news. Reuters adds: the American secret service's false claims and discrediting campaign spread rapidly in Europe as well.

Source: M1 / ​​

Photo: MTI/Dániel Kiss