Hungarian goods and national values ​​are important to us not only because of value preservation. These uniquely Hungarian characteristics represent us, helping us to survive - said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy on Tuesday, at the meeting of the Hungarikum Committee, according to the ministry's announcement, where 3 items were added to the Collection of Hungarikumok and 2 items to the Hungarian Valuables.

The head of the ministry said that the Hungarian nation was further enriched and strengthened with these new elements. At all levels of the Hungarian movement, we strive to strengthen the fabric of our nation and our national identity.

According to the decisions made on Tuesday, the car, a transportation solution of Hungarian origin, which already increased the comfort and speed of road transport 500 years ago, was included in the Hungarian Collection.

Hungarikum became the hallow sugar, which is an indispensable part of Christmas , and in the XIX. since its appearance in the 19th century, it has been an important product of the Hungarian confectionery and confectionery industry. The concentrated tomatoes at Aranyfáca in Hatvan are known worldwide and are made from tomatoes grown exclusively on Hungarian lands , the department announced.

Among the new items included in the Hungarian Valuables is Papá ham, which is a famous product of the Papá meat industry , which has now gained world fame. The Hungarian Valuables Collection is also expanding with the southern bell ringing, which is the daily ringing of bells in memory of the victory in Nándorfehérvár.

István Nagy emphasized that the Hungarian movement goes beyond the preservation of values ​​and has national political significance. Exploring, introducing and preserving our national values ​​strengthens our nation's resilience and self-esteem.

The Hungarian coins and the new elements of the Hungarian Valuables Museum will further enrich the previously formed image of Hungarians both at home and in the wider world, contributing to the further strengthening of our sense of value and self-esteem, that is, our identity, the minister added.

With the decision of the Hungarikum Committee, the number of items in the Hungarikum Collection has increased to 92, and 154 outstanding national values ​​are listed in the Hungarian Valuables Archives, they announced.


Photo: István Nagy Facebook