It sucks! Not even one. Sucking at home and sucking at our Polish friends. Here, the people of Budapest put the symbolic head of the city in a noose, where the liberal Bolshevik Tusk government is ruining the peaceful future of the Poles. So suck.

Let's look around Budapest first. Well, what we see is the tragedy itself. Picasso-shaming asphalt paintings everywhere, expertly messed up and making the roads insanely dangerous. In a clever way, sections of the road narrowed with green stakes ensure that long queues of cars gather even where there was no need to fear such a thing before. Back-and-forth one-way streets drive motorists crazy, which is, isn't it, a series of feats of traffic disorganization. Chain Bridge is closed, a wharf doomed to be closed, which, if it happens, will add another shovel to the daily madness.

Don't you remember the great movie The Skyward Grass? When, courtesy of the wonderful office, Do Not Enter signs from all directions made it impossible for the garbage truck carrying firebricks to enter. Well, this is being copied in the capital, thanks to the brilliant wisdom of the great mayor.

But what can we expect from a hyper-passive giant baby who never knows anything, is never anywhere, but needs at least more than forty advisers not only to perpetuate the stable chaos, but also, I think, to pull the slit.

Of course, the fish stinks from the head, as is the mayor, so is the state of the districts similarly led by Ballibsi. Filth, a rundown environment, a sea of ​​weeds called bee pastures, an invasion of homeless people and drug addicts - respect for the very few exceptions.

But for a significant part of the people of Budapest, this is fine.

It doesn't matter if they make it impossible to get around, it doesn't matter if parking fees are skyrocketed, it doesn't matter if they step in feces, if the smell of urine spreads, if homeless people and drug addicts harass the residents, they don't need good, they want bad.

Of course, not everyone is an idiot in Budapest, as the results of the mayoral election proved. 41 votes is the advantage of the giant baby, i.e. almost nothing. Moreover, Karácsony indulged in absurd statements again. When the recount came up, Geri's diaper was full. After all, it is suspected that the re-verification could have brought extra votes in favor of his opponent, so he was alarmed and hastily misspoken and announced that, whatever the result, he wanted a re-vote.

But now maybe he doesn't want to. You can trust that your hasty request for a repeat vote will be rejected by the Court.

But if this were to happen, he would still be able to provoke a repeat, he would simply have to resign in October and that would automatically mean a new election.

We can already be sure that he will not even think of this solution, even if he makes a well-developed tompor with it. Geri exudes decency, honor doesn't matter, only power. At any cost.

This is the end of Budapest, peace be upon you. Dear God, I thank you that I was able to escape from this brain-dead, mentally ill city in time, years ago!

This is how the Hungarian capital went, but why are the Poles smoking?

After all, Donald Tusk, who ignored the interests of his own country, was a perfect match for the Brusselsites, as a reward for which the country that had been classified as a dictator immediately turned into a democracy. However, nothing happened apart from the fact that he forcibly removed the employees of the public television station that he did not like with the police and illegally dragged two opposition politicians to prison. He's a real democrat, isn't he?

And now it has been revealed that they are secretly preparing to receive migrants.

The letter from the office of the Voivodeship of Podlasie asked all the municipalities of the Voivodeship to identify objects suitable for mass accommodation of foreigners in their territory. Of course, they explain themselves, saying that this request is repeated from time to time since refugees from Ukraine arrive, but the lie is quite transparent. The call contains a telling sentence: "foreigners other than those assisted under the law of March 12, 2022 on assistance provided to the citizens of Ukraine in connection with the armed conflict taking place on the territory of the country", i.e. non-Ukrainian migrants.

Our Polish brothers, this is called sucking, but you sucked yourselves. The problem is that this is only the beginning, but there are already videos appearing on social media where migrants who are not even there are ranting.

Let's share, there is nothing to see here, even if they see it!

Of course we could wave. Both the citizens of the capital and the Poles sought trouble for themselves, except that Budapest belongs to all Hungarians, if they destroy it, as they are doing, they will destroy our common capital, and the Poles are our brothers, their downfall is also our problem.

And that sucks for all of us.

György Tóth Jr

Cover photo: Gergely Karácsony
Source: Mediaworks