Everything is in the hands of Giorgia Meloni, whose goal is to bring Italy to an influential role in European institutions.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni sees it as her task to create an alternative political front against the left, and according to her, surprises can be expected in the European Parliament regarding the majority voting on individual files, according to the interview that the Italian daily Il Giornale published with the politician on Thursday.

"I am dealing with this, having a dialogue with everyone and working together. And I think there will be surprises in the future of the EU in terms of the majority that can be formed in the parliament in the case of some dossiers," said the Italian Prime Minister and the president of the right-wing governing party of the Italian Brothers (FdI).

He emphasized that the European Conservatives and Reformers (ECR) group he leads has become the third largest party group in the European Parliament.

Regarding the appointment of the new leaders of the EU institutions, Giorgia Meloni spoke about the fact that, above all, the president of the European Council, the European Commission, the European Parliament and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy should be selected.

As usual, this is done by taking into account the weight of political groups, said Meloni.

He added that the socialists, the people's party and the liberals are currently trying to agree on the filling of these positions, and "as usual, I will say what I think: the change of step that we imagined will not happen."

He noted that the lack of progress can be attributed to the results of the European Parliament elections, which did not prove to be sufficient to "diversify the situation".

Giorgia Meloni explained that at the same time she found it surreal that at the first informal meeting of the heads of state and government after the EP elections, "some people came with a list proposal for the leading positions and did not even bother, as we would say in Rome, to pretend that therefore, they first consider what kind of signal was received from the citizens and what kind of change of step is needed".

The Italian Prime Minister emphasized that he also expressed his opinion at the meeting of the European Council.

This is not how I interpret democracy, and I think that this attitude has distanced European citizens from European institutions, explained the Italian prime minister.

He believed that those who want to reach an agreement at all costs and as soon as possible are "running forward because they are aware that the agreement can be very fragile".

Meloni noted that no matter how the leadership positions are distributed, they cannot forget the role that Italy deserves, one of the founders of the EU, the second largest industrial producer and the third largest economy, with the most stable government among the major European nations.

Meloni emphasized that it cannot be ignored that the EP elections "clearly pushed the axis of Europe to the right, and I think that this can lead to a change of pace in the first-order issues, in the reading of certain political decisions."

The Italian prime minister hopes that the members of the People's Party will realize that there will be fatal consequences if they continue to follow the left.

Giorgia Meloni reported the first European conference to the Italian press with outrage: she called it surreal that some heads of state came with specific names to fill some positions, instead of thinking about what changes would be necessary and what the real will of European citizens is.

Italian newspapers wrote about Meloni's goal to bring Italy to an influential role in European institutions.

Ursula von der Leyen contacted Meloni on the phone twice: with the votes of the ECR, she can more safely continue her career at the head of the European Commission. In return, Italy could receive the post of Commissioner for the Recovery and Cohesion Funds, which Raffaele Fitto would hold.

According to the La Repubblica daily, negotiations are continuing, Viktor Orbán will travel to Rome next week to negotiate with Meloni.

According to analysts, it is possible that after the French elections, Meloni will enter into a strategic alliance with Marine Le Pen's party, while also negotiating with the right-wing parties of the People's Party. Nicola Procaccini, the representative of the European Parliament of the ECR, was happy to announce that with the addition of eleven new conservative representatives, the ECR became the third largest group in the EP. The party voted that Carlo Fidanza can continue serving in the EP as head of the Italian Brothers delegation.

Fidanza told the Affari Italiani portal that they are in no hurry to elect von der Leyen. It was voted on five years ago, but now the situation has changed significantly. Everything is in the hands of Meloni, who maintains a continuous dialogue with the various political forces in order to ensure that the right can play a prominent role in the European institutions in the future.

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: The decision is in the hands of Giorgia Meloni
Source: Facebook/Giorgia Meloni