Donald Sutherland knows everything, is capable of everything, everything that is needed for the profession, that is needed for art, that is needed for acting. Written by Ferenc Kovács.

It radiates elegance, even if this natural dignity is mixed with carelessness, carelessness and a tank top. It radiates relaxation, even as it is mixed with elegance and power. You will never receive the Award. It is never even marked. But who cares, who cares about this high-profile fact, which at first glance seems like a lack, a mistake, an omission. This is the most exclusive club. Of the greatest who never got it.

Donald Sutherland knows everything, is capable of everything, everything that is needed for the profession, that is needed for art, that is needed for acting, transformation, transformation, regeneration, humanity and evil, sympathy and antipathy.

I can't remember everything. It would need pages. Pages, a library's worth of river meters, just to describe it, to present it, to explain it - and although it is impossible in its elusiveness, unattainable, and unrealizable in its impossibility, we analyze and analyze why it is capable of all this. How can you take on a thousand faces.

All his life he wanders between roles, he knows everything, he is capable of everything, everything that is needed for the profession, what is needed for art, what is needed for acting. As if I already wrote this. But it can't be enough. It would take pages, a library's worth of running meters, just for this one sentence, this one fragment of a sentence, to be written over and over and over, ad infinitum, repeated and echoed, over and over and over again, until tens of thousands of our typewriters wear out.

Kelly 's Heroes should be watched at least once a year. Mandatory. For everyone. The anachronism of the role of the young Sutherland - he is fifty-four years old in the film, but he has not aged, he has not hardened, time has not passed over him like a hawk - recalls the end of the sixties. A miracle bug, a true hippie, an icon of the counterculture grafted into the Second World War, of resistance to the government, power, and authority, who just wants to escape the war and turns to this Eastern philosophy. Always those negative waves, Moriarty. It is the symbol, milestone and embodiment of relaxation. He just drives it, and he has no idea what makes it go.

Hollywood actor legend Donald Sutherland has passed away

And yes. Coriolanus Snow, at the other end of oeuvre and morality, on the other side of oeuvre and morality, on the opposite side of morality, virtue, ethos, as far as possible, on the farthest possible other side. But on the other side of genius - now we do not refrain exceptionally, because one cannot refrain from pathos, big words, solemnity and pomp that in any other case seem so pathetic, because the rules of stylistics that exist in any other case now naturally lose their validity - excellence , of mystery, magic and wonder wrapped in human skin.

He's not dead, he's not gone, he's not gone, he's here, he's here among us, we can see his eyes forever, he shows, has shown, and will always show that everything, I say, everything is possible, that it's possible, that the greatest - and they can be the greatest of anyone, since we only have to fly on the pegasus of positive thoughts - they can and do change the world, because the world, if we look at it differently, changes in its foundations, in its entirety, in every corner.

He is one of them, one of those who showed that we can look at the world in a different way, in its foundations, in its entirety, in all its corners.

He himself is the ever-flowing undulation, but constantly rising like the tide. And everything can be learned from this undulation, from this momentum wrapped in human skin, if we are capable of it at all, they are capable of learning, of which the shaped characters are the transmitters, and that constantly moving, yet perfectly solid undulation, which stands behind them as their shaper. The man, the actor, who is the flood itself, who is the form itself, the style itself and the dedicated immersion itself. Because true devotion is never filling in the gaps, but giving away the excess.

Always those negative waves, Moriarty.
