Away, among the people, in the city center, he got well, and at that time everyone becomes what they really are. Péter was honestly drunk.

Peter went to have fun. To have fun. He's already had a hard time, since he's been through "mentally terribly stressful weeks" - what could be more stressful than having to go through the VIP cabins and skyboxes to "among the people", and on top of that, you have to write on your face that "I'm the people I'm cheering in between", this would surely make even Heracles sweat.

Péter Magyar, a drunken rioter, was thrown out of a nightclub, according to him, Fidesz is to blame (with video)

Not to mention that I had to break up with the new girl, even though there wasn't even time to properly abuse her, she became uncomfortable because of her mother before her time, there was no fairy tale, she had to be kicked out, "something ended, something hurts" , and because of this I had to travel separately to a beach in Balaton, sit on the grass, opposite Badacsony, to get a good picture, this whole thing would make even Modern Talking in its heyday vomit, is it any wonder that Péter is tired...

The tired Péter went to have fun, among the people, in the city center, he had a good time, and at this time everyone becomes what they really are.

Péter honestly drank himself, so the innermost Péter came out, that aggressive, frustrated little p...cs, who wanted to sit in the VIP booths in his own right all his life, but it never worked out for him, even Deutsch didn't hire him as an assistant to him in Brussels in 2009 or 2010, even though Judit was already out then, so what kind of thing is this, that damned Deutsch hired someone else, that's when the problems started, the little Péter who lives inside first screamed out from behind the mask , even though he always sat there with that mask, it is almost impossible to hide, hide, discipline such aggressive, frustrated little p...s, they come out at the most unexpected moments, in bedrooms and children's rooms, and they ruin everyone's life.

In relation to the incident, he stated the following to the BRFK:

"On June 21, 2024, at around 4:30 a.m., the Budapest Police Headquarters received a report of suspicion of disorderly conduct and vandalism, and the V. District Police Headquarters ordered an investigation into the matter. The necessary procedural actions are underway, we will be able to provide more information later."

Their owners only initially try to suppress the aggressive, frustrated little puss that lives inside, then they rather make friends with him, their friendship becomes a deep bond of loyalty and loyalty, this phase can be recognized from the fact that from then on the owner is the victim of a deep, worldwide conspiracy he begins to live, and in this new world everything and everyone is there to destroy him, because the farmer is simply perfect and flawless, and the many wretched people are no longer able to bear and tolerate this.

Péter has been living in this phase for years.

This can be seen from the fact that he is constantly being chased by Rogán's agents and provocateurs.

Even now, in the downtown nightclub, where the Péter emerged from Péter and began to behave in the way that comes from his being.

He teased, yelled at the girls, became more and more aggressive, then took and threw a phone, then the security guards disturbed him, he even had a little fight with them on the street, he threatened that "it will be up on the internet!", of course it will be up, this the psychopathic nobody lives his whole pathetic, pitiful, shitty life there, and then the Péter went home, escaping being slapped in the face by some of the people there.

My God, in Tusnád they always wanted to punch this wretch, especially the people of Székely, because they have a much harder time bearing the caterpillars that live inside, but that doesn't matter now, the point is that Peti went to have fun, to relax from the "spiritually terrible burdensome weeks" , and there, in the downtown elite dzizi, he only gave what was his essence.

After all, he couldn't have given anything else.

Then he posted something about Péter's heat, drunk on his ass, something about Tóni and a certain Steve Klorrár, but this was quickly deleted by careful hands.

"I surprised" - he told Index the three-time world and European champion electric boogie competitor, Steve Kollár appeared on the show "Between the Sharks" and "Hungary's Got Talent" when they were asked if he had heard about Péter Magyar's canceled entry.

According to him, the news of the post reached him, but when he started looking for it, he could no longer find it. Regarding the evening, he only said that he met the vice president of the Tisza Party at the nightclub, but the events happened so quickly that he could not even comprehend what was happening.

I was there at the scene, Péter came to me, we exchanged a few sentences, and later the fight happened and he was put out, said Steve Kollár, who did not see much of the fight:

"I was standing at the bar, and after that several people went to the side. After that, I stopped paying attention to what happened."

Then Péter went out and posted again, and then we arrived where we always arrive, where the narcissistic psychopaths, the caterpillars who have permanently moved out into the light from the inside always arrive - here:

"A Fidesz paid provocateur ruined our evening."

Clear. What else could have happened?

Also - this is another important point:

"We will initiate proceedings against all media outlets that intentionally distort the facts."

Of course.

Now we are at the point where the caterpillar will be litigating for the rest of his life, he has promised this so many times since he had to move out of the skyboxes "among the people" .

And let's not forget, he also has to "request" the "original recording" from Juszt Lackó, he promised this too, because the whole world saw what he said, but he claimed and claims, he didn't say it.

Of course he didn't say that.

Everyone always lies, only the caterpillar speaks the pure truth from morning to night. The honey of truth drips from his lips and from his sucking mouth organ.

We know that too.

So I wouldn't be in the shoes of the downtown elite Thursday night guest army, bouncers and, of course, the police.

They will all be announced.

And they are all Tóni's agents.

He paid, moreover!

Peter knows.

And Péter will also do it like the major in Tótek.

"Did you cut it in two, my dear Lajos?"

- No. In three identical pieces. Did I do it wrong?

"You did well, my sweet Lajos." You always know what and how to do…”

Like this.

Until then, we will witness more and more entertaining little scenes.

And for a while, even Péter's ardent fans will jump over the shadow if Péter sees it as a ditch.

For a while…

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Tibor Vermes/Demokrata