Péter Toldi became the fourth to complete the distance within the standard time.

"Péter Toldi finished in first place, setting a new course record, at the 2024 Hell Race. To get from Manali to the city of Leh, it took 104 hours 33 minutes 30 seconds," the ultra runner Toldi reported on his social media page.

He became the fourth person to complete the race within the standard time.

Before the competition, Péter Toldi posted this on his Facebook page:

“This is a timed post. When this comes out Hell ultra will be shot in Manali, India and I can finally be on my way. What do I wish for myself?... Maybe that during the race that awaits me, I don't forget for a minute the Tibetan proverb that has defined my past year: "It is better to live one day as a tiger than a thousand days as a frog."

In a more recent post, he thanked his friends and acquaintances for their support and reported that the competition had exhausted him.

"I am trying to filter the experience of these narrow 5 days in myself, process the experiences and effects that have had on me and share all of this with you soon (of course at a level that matches the quality and seriousness of the event). Now, however, I can only compete mentally and physically with the activity of a houseplant. I am sitting in the window of my accommodation, staring at the mountains surrounding the Indus Valley, and all the while my thoughts are going back and forth between the experiences of the past days and weeks," he wrote.

Cover image: Péter Toldi won one of the toughest running races
Source: Facebook/Péter Toldi ultra runner