It will not be easy to work in such an atmosphere, even though the priorities of the next six months would be important for the entire continent.

According to the Germans, Viktor Orbán intended to provoke the EU by making Hungary's slogan "Make Europe Great Again!" during the consecutive presidency. chose a phrase that is a strong reference to Donald Trump's motto.

Although the printed edition of the Frankfurter Rundschau recalls the seven priorities of the Hungarian presidency, the article does not even attempt to highlight how important these areas are, and, citing the extreme anti-Hungarian Daniel Freund, fears an "Orbán blockade".

Hungary cannot do much damage now, as the summer holidays are coming. By the time the Parliament and the Commission meet in the fall, the Hungarian presidency is almost over

- an EU diplomat told the newspaper, of course anonymously.

Based on this, the European Union is hoping that time will pass quickly, so that the bloc cannot make progress in curbing illegal migration, increasing the continent's competitiveness and strengthening the European defense policy.


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