The crossing of the red lines in the European Union has begun, stated Péter Szijjártó.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade reacted to the fact that the EU disregarded Hungary's right to decide and set aside an additional 1.4 billion euros for the financing of arms shipments, and put forward a proposal to send military trainers to Ukraine.

Szijjártó reported at the press conference held during the break of the European Union's Foreign Affairs Council that despite the defeat of the most pro-war governments in the elections, the war hysteria not only continues, but has also shifted to a new speed, and the will of the people continues to be ignored.

Even today, it was clearly stated that many governments of the European Union countries are preparing for the long term, preparing for a long war, he said.

He then informed about the announcement according to which another 1.4 billion euros from the European Peace Fund will be used for arms deliveries to Ukraine, despite the fact that Hungary does not agree with this.

"This 1.4 billion euros is practically the amount of income from seized or frozen Russian assets, and since Hungary abstained from the first vote on their use, the legal service of the Council, Brussels, the bureaucrats and some member states also thought that this is a sufficient basis for disregarding Hungary's decision-making right, and thus, ignoring Hungary's position, they decided to use 1.4 billion euros from the European Peace Framework to finance new arms deliveries to Ukraine," he said.

"This is a clear red line. There has never been such a shameless violation or disregard of common European rules before. Moreover, it is precisely those who push for the rule of law procedures at full volume and talk about the endangerment of democratic values ​​who violate the European rules," he continued.

"The self-anointed warriors of democracy and the rule of law have now as shamelessly as possible crossed and disregarded the rules by excluding Hungary from this decision. The pro-war sentiment practically blinded the decision-makers," he added.

Péter Szijjártó underlined that the EU apparently wants to continue crossing the red lines, as evidenced by the fact that the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy this time came up with a proposal based on

the training of Ukrainian soldiers could also take place on the territory of Ukraine, not only in other countries.

“This is an extremely dangerous proposition. This is a proposal that would cross yet another red line. Don't we remember the statements of the leading Western European politicians during the European Parliament election campaign, according to which European soldiers could and should be stationed, posted and sent to Ukraine. And here is the first step," he emphasized.

"They want to send military trainers to Ukraine. This is unacceptable for us, and we protest against it with all available means, since the deployment of European Union trainers in Ukraine would bring about another extremely serious danger of the spread of the war," he warned.

In the end, the minister also mentioned that he was once again under enormous pressure in order for our country to contribute to the release of approximately 6.5 billion euros from the European Peace Framework for further arms shipments to Ukraine.

According to his words, he therefore made it clear again that until the Ukrainian authorities stop discriminating against Hungarian companies, there can be no question of this.

He went on to say that from this point of view, more and more bad news is coming in, for example, they want to take away some of Richter's distribution licenses, and the Ukrainian authorities may work on a new list of "companies supporting the war", with which Hungarian companies may once again be in the crosshairs.


Cover photo: Péter Szijjártó
Source: Facebook/Péter Szijjártó