Budapest Pride was held on Saturday. Everyone who mattered was there. Gergely Karácsony also celebrated with the crowd and, of course, David Pressman also paid his respects. , gushed about pride on her Facebook page :

I have always seen pride as the triumph of hope over hopelessness, the triumph of love over hate, the triumph of truth over exclusion. Pride is acceptance, joy and dance. One of the most beautiful holidays, where we not only pay tribute to the gays who stood up for their rights and dignity against homophobic police harassment in New York 55 years ago, but we also rejoice at how much the world has changed for the better, how much more freely we can live and we can love. Both within and outside the LGBTQ community. But freedom in Hungary has never been as great as in Western Europe, and now the populist, exclusionary, homophobic extreme right is gaining strength all over the world. And we have him in government. [...]"

So it was no surprise that he also appeared at the parade. However, the way he behaved already caused some astonishment. Mandiner spotted Anna Donáth dancing wildly on the platform of one of the trucks to one of Abba's world hits on the video circulating on the Internet:

The liberal politician was not too saddened by his party's oversized jacket, apparently he had a great time. His soul is on it.

Source: Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Anna Donáth (Photo: Anna Donáth – Facebook)