The government has made a decision on the nationwide expansion of breast milk collection stations, the amount paid per liter of delivered breast milk may increase from the current HUF 3,500 to HUF 5,400 from next January.

The Orbán government

is committed to child-centered and family-friendly values, and accordingly supports that all premature and newborn babies and infants in need have equal access to the donor breast milk necessary for their proper nutrition.

published in the Magyar Közlöny, Interior Minister Sándor Pintér must prepare a detailed legal and financing proposal by the end of October - with the involvement of the Minister of Culture, who is also responsible for families - about breast milk collection stations,

Based on preliminary consultation with the Minister of Finance Mihály Varga, they must develop the concept of the national system of breast milk collection stations by March 31, 2025, and review the possibility of building and renewing the infrastructure. They have until December 31, 2025 to take measures to promote breastfeeding and encourage the donation of donor breast milk.

The decision signed by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gives the two ministers until December 31, 2026 to

take care of the development of the plans for a unified register IT system within the framework of the National Breast Milk Bank.

From next January, the amount paid per liter of delivered breast milk may increase from the current HUF 3,500 to HUF 5,400, the State Secretary for Families of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation announced on Monday.

Ágnes Hornung wrote: in recent years, the government has continuously increased the subsidy amount for breast milk per liter, which in January of this year rose from HUF 2,700 to HUF 3,500.

from January 1, mothers offering milk will receive HUF 5,400 tax-free per liter.

One of the important goals of the new increase is to give recognition and encouragement to mothers who have surplus milk and wish to donate it, the state secretary pointed out, adding:

currently, a multiple of the collected donor women's milk would be needed in order to have enough for every baby in Hungary who needs breast milk.

Ágnes Hornung highlighted, "mother's milk is a great treasure", "the most perfect food for the baby",

babies who receive breast milk are less likely to get sick, and in the case of mothers, breastfeeding reduces the chance of developing chronic diseases.

Therefore, the government wants breast milk to be available in sufficient quantities, always, everywhere, especially in hospitals providing care for premature babies.

According to the announcement, in Hungary, all babies up to 8 months old can receive donor breast milk free of charge, for whom the family pediatrician or pediatrician prescribes breast milk. The proposal can be found on the website of the Government of Hungary [email protected] until July 2 , MTI announced.

Photo: Larissa Sampaio / Pixabay