Gergő Ármin Balázsi was awarded in the male dancer category.

One of the world's most significant international ballet awards was presented at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow on June 25. Ármin Balázsi Gergő, artist of the Hungarian National Ballet, shared the Benois de la Danse award in the male dancer category with Artemy Belyakov, the leading dancer of the Moscow company, the Hungarian State Opera .

The recognition is a huge honor, as it was the first time in the thirty-three-year history of the award that it was awarded to a Hungarian artist.

Founded in 1991 by the International Federation of Choreographers, the Benois de la Danse prize is awarded annually to the artists who have achieved the most outstanding performance in the field of dance in the past year.

As it was written, the dancer, awarded with the Hungarian Bronze Cross of Merit and winner of the Junior Príma Prize, who was also the holder of the Étoile title in the 2022/23 season, earned the recognition for his performance in the performance entitled The Pygmalion Effect presented last season.

Ármin Balázsi Gergő has been a member of the Hungarian National Ballet company since 2014.

Featured image: Hungarian National Ballet