Gergely Karácsony's head was sewn on by a young girl, and this is no joke. Péter Magyar draws a number...

"This is how a day passes with us," writes fashion stylist Jácint Nándor Klein on his Facebook page.

In the picture, a young girl is squatting on the tattoo chair, with the Christmas cap above her ankle, and Gergely Karácsony himself is smiling next to her.

Source: Facebook

So one more time: the mayor of Budapest, Gergely Karácsony, poses next to a little girl who has tattooed the politician's portrait on herself.

So that's it for the day.

Let's just gently note that if everything is true, Gergely Karácsony is the "Daddy Slim" mentioned in the post...

The tattoo was done in the downtown Street Art Tattoo salon. According to Blikk, the salon's receptionist, Dorci, sewed on the mayor. "I didn't regret it, even if I regret it later, you can cover it up with anything," the girl said. The creator of the tattoo, Kristóf, said that they chose Christmas because "it's such a good head, it's cute".

Yes, it sure is. Like a baby seal.


Featured Image: Facebook