The vice-chairman of the Tisza Party, Péter Magyar, attacked the entire domestic media once again, saying that even media that consider themselves independent behave exactly the same as Rogán's or Gyurcsány's propaganda.

The politician's proposed solution is to replace the entire media elite in addition to the power elite.

In another post, Péter Magyar, the vice-president of the Tisza Party, went to him not only in Gyurcsány and Rogán, but also in the independent media. According to the politician, the media is really the fourth branch of power, without real control. According to him, real results can only be achieved if "we can communicate with each other directly, if we don't try to live in a bubble built by the media, but we openly state the truth and convey it to as many people as possible."

Magyar sees the change in replacing the media elite as well as the power elite.

"investigative portals" take information from each other without any kind of source criticism .

Today, the Rogán and Gyurcsány media are quoting and referring to each other, and many media products that position themselves as independent have joined the queue.

- he wrote, adding: these portals know very well that the correction only works at the level of a joke in the domestic media, so there is no real deterrent against the "most incompetent lies of the dirty pages of propaganda" . "It is not by chance that the legislative environment is designed this way. This is how propaganda can operate without any worries, this is how it can lie without consequences, this is how it can destroy anyone, even private individuals, without any problems."

This is not the first time that Péter Magyar has caught the attention of the Hungarian press, his most memorable action was when he stood up after two minutes in the live broadcast of Egyenes beszéd and walked away from Egon Rónai, the ATV studio.

Featured image: Civils.Info