There will be no way out of this pit without government help.

The former mayor candidate of the Budapestert Egyesület and the LMP took on Gergely Karácsony in a new post, according to which the reigning city manager already knew during the campaign that the city would be in huge debt due to the agglomeration agreement, but

deliberately kept this from the electorate.

According to Dávid Vitézy, this could lead the capital to a spiral of debt from which it is not certain that there will be a way out. At least not without government support.

According to Dávid Vitézy, Gergely Karácsony bypassed the Capital Assembly and decided to deal with BKK's HUF 50 billion liquidity crisis, which he did not inform the voters about, and all this just three weeks before the June elections.

With this, according to his statement, the mayor is forcing Budapest into a debt spiral "from which there will be no way out without significant additional government support or a renegotiation of the agglomeration agreement".

In his latest post, Vitézy also touched on the fact that during the Partizán's mayoral debate, he had already highlighted how much of a problem this would cause in the future,

but then Karácsony consistently kept him quiet, denied this, even though he should have known about it a good ten days before.

After all, the fact that passengers commute from the agglomeration at half price generates a significant loss of income, which someone has to pay for. Vitézy already spoke out against this in January - when Karácsony and János Lázár signed the agglomeration agreement - but no one took it seriously, because everyone only saw that transport would be cheaper.

Karácsony is trying to solve this by allocating the missing money from the March 2025 budget to BKK - including interest - which would mean that the capital will start the next year with a deficit of 50 billion.

In addition, the price reduction was not accompanied by an increase in the number of passengers, so it is easy to calculate that there will be a "loss of revenue".

And if the state doesn't help, it won't work in the long run, the specialist believes.

The statements according to which the capital was doing well and there is nothing to see here were untrue, and Gergely Karácsony already knew this during the campaign, he just kept it quiet in front of the public - Dávid Vitézy concluded his post.

Cover photo: Gergely Karácsony also lied in the campaign
Source: Facebook/Gergely Kárácsony