A great initiative between Besztercebánya County and Nógrád County.

The regions were connected for a long time, and then the Trianon border cut the region in two, affecting travel, trade, and relations between people. The Besztercebánya county and Nógrád county municipalities are organizing the launch of bus services between the regions, this was discussed at the county hall in Salgótarján on Wednesday. Representatives of Volánbusz Zrt. and the integrated transport company from Bésztercebánya also took part in the meeting.

On the Hungarian side, the flights would touch Balassagyarmat, Ipolytarnóc, Salgótarján and Cered in Nógrád, as well as Bánrévé in Borsod, while on the Slovak side the flights would touch Rimaszombat, Losonc, Nagykürtös and Tornalja

- explained Nándor Skuczi, chairman of the Nógrád County Assembly, and Ondrej Lunter, chairman of Besztercebánya County, at the press conference following the consultation.

They said:

public transport would be built in two years, the first flights would start next spring at the earliest.

For now, they could not answer what frequency of flights can be expected and how much it will cost, the specific plans will be developed by the experts in the fall.

Ondrej Lunter emphasized: both parties will finance their own commitments, and a budget must be drawn up that suits both municipalities, as it is known that the operation will be unprofitable.

The politician reminded that

the regions were connected for a long time, and then the Trianon border cut the region in two, affecting travel, trade, and relations between people.

Nándor Skuczi emphasized that the goal is to strengthen economic, commercial, social, cultural and touristic relations, and the key issue for this is the connection of the transport infrastructure.


Cover photo: sobotnik.sk