Anti-Hungarianism does not matter in Europe. If Hungarians defined themselves as some kind of sexual minority, an animal species, or perhaps Ukrainians, they would have a better chance, said the Romanian expert of the Hungarian Institute of Foreign Affairs.

Anti-Hungarianism does not matter in Europe - declared Zsolt Pászkán, the expert on Romania at the Hungarian Foreign Affairs Institute, in connection with the fact that the Association for the Unification of Romanians (AUR) was accepted into its ranks by the European Parliament faction of the European Conservatives and Reformers (ECR).

Speaking to the Transylvanian portal Maszol, the analyst believed that, perhaps, if Hungarians defined themselves as some kind of sexual minority, an animal species, or perhaps Ukrainians, they would have a better chance, Magyar Nemzet observed.

For the time being, together with other European minority national communities, we Hungarians cannot expect too much sensitivity

Pászkán noted.

The expert reminded that: not only in the case of the AUR, anti-Hungarianism did not and does not matter in the European Parliament.

There has never been an example of the People's Party, the Socialist faction, or even Renew, punishing or criticizing the anti-Hungarian outbursts of their Romanian member parties, even though there were enough of them

said Zsolt Pászkán.

At the same time, the analyst has doubts about whether the international stage can help the popularity of AUR and party leader George Simion in Romania. According to him, the ECR membership accelerates the separation of the AUR from topics considered interesting and relevant in the field of Romania, since the European agenda does not necessarily coincide with the Bucharest agenda.

Being forced to backtrack on topics that are understandable in Romania, such as support for Ukraine, could harm AUR much more than it hoped to gain with ECR membership

- says Zsolt Pászkán.

As we have already reported, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Monday in Rome confirmed Fidesz's previous position that it will not join the ECR faction because it also includes AUR representatives. Meanwhile, one of the AUR MEPs, Claudiu Tarziu, struck a conciliatory tone, according to him, the problem with Fides is the lack of communication.

A stalemate has developed. Dialogue must be held at the highest level

Politico quoted the Romanian politician.

By the way, the AUR recently decided that party president George Simion will run in the presidential election due in the fall. Senator Diana Sosoaca, who won a seat in the European Parliament as the list leader of the SOS Romania party in the June 9 elections, also registered for the contest. According to the data of a May poll, the politician, who is also known for his anti-Hungarian statements, became the second best-known politician in Romania after former Prime Minister Victor Ponta. SOS Romania joins a brand new faction initiated by Alternative for Germany with its two representatives in the European Parliament.

Cover photo: Õrtûz ég Csepel, at Daru-domb, on the Székely Autonomy Day on October 29, 2023.
In 2015, the Székely National Council (SZNT) declared the last Sunday of October to be the day of the autonomy of Székelyland, on which bonfires are lit throughout the Carpathian Basin. MTI/Attila Kovács