The Olympian is organizing a camp for children for the fourth time this year.

Gábor Kucsera told the Mokka reporter about their programs on the spot in Nagyvázsony, for example, that every morning starts with gymnastics and animal feeding, followed by breakfast, but during the week they will also visit an animal shelter in Veszprém. Nothing shows the popularity of a vacation free of mobile and other electronic devices better than the fact that most children are not visiting the site for the first time.

"You don't even have to tell them, they know what's going on, they see the box, everyone puts their phone, charger, all kinds of gadgets they brought with them into it.

I can't stress enough that I think this is what children need to really break away from the world of the Internet a little.

A little back to nature, to the animals, to life on the farm, I think we can give them a summer that is really a pleasure to think back on. The biggest feedback for me is that of the children who are here now, all of them have been here since the first camp," said Kucsera, who is starting four tours this year, three of which are sold out, and has even toyed with the idea of ​​an adult edition.

"Yesterday we reached a milestone at the Kucsi farm. The camp is gadget-free, isn't it, but in view of the Hungarian match, the TV was turned on for the first time in four years, but as soon as the match was over, the TV was turned off, no more" -

the athlete revealed, then handed over the floor to his little son, Ben, who was also happy to tell about his experiences.


Featured image: Attila Trenka / Velvet