Betrayal and redesign: it is the task of right-wing parties to enforce the will of the European electorate. The Prime Minister's article in the Magyar Nemzet.

Europe is in crisis. The Christian civilization that defines the framework of our lives is disappearing. The European Union is also in decline. The continent's global economic weight has significantly and continuously decreased over the past three decades. The European order is evaporating before our eyes - permanent threat of terrorism, eroding public safety. The ability to assert European interests in international politics has also been reduced - closure and blockade, war next door. All of this put the European nations in a difficult situation, and in addition, people's everyday living conditions also became difficult. What European people perceive: war, migration and stagnation instead of peace, order and development.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the Brussels bureaucracy, living in a bubble, has made many wrong political decisions in recent years. Europe is drifting more and more into a war in which the continent has nothing to gain, but can easily lose everything. Yet it is a daily experience that nothing is too expensive for them in the matter of war.

The bureaucrats in Brussels want this war, they see it as their own, and they want to defeat Russia. The money of the European people is constantly being sent to Ukraine, European companies have been shot in the foot with the sanctions, inflation has increased and millions of European citizens have been pushed into living difficulties.

With tax increases, the competitiveness of the continent was worsened, and they became involved in give-and-take with Europe's most important trade partners. The green transition was misguided. Europe uses more coal today and energy prices are higher than five years ago. European farmers protest against the bleeding on a daily basis, and in the meantime, Ukrainian agricultural products of dubious quality are being dumped at dumping prices.

The enlargement of the European Union with the countries of the Western Balkans has completely stalled - only the heroic struggle of the Hungarian Enlargement Commissioner brought some progress. However, it is still true that the Union needs the new member states and their economic momentum more than ever before. Because of the mismanaged migration policy, illegal migrants still flock to the Schengen area.

In Brussels, however, instead of adopting the successful practices of countries that stop migration, such as Hungary, they punish these countries and try to force them to admit migrants.

It is well known that the population in Africa will increase by 750 million people by 2040. Hungary warns everyone that the fence is still stopping African migrants today, but with such rapidly increasing numbers, we can only hope for a solution from economic developments that result in them staying in the country in the medium term. Europe should launch a major development program in Africa, but such a plan is not even on the horizon in Brussels.

Brussels bureaucrats are undoubtedly successful in one thing: weakening nation-states and increasing their own power. This elite evokes in us the memory of the communists. They don't look out for people's interests, they force their own ideas on people. Their current hit is the ideal of toxic green politics and a mixed society. And if the European people don't like it, then "woe to the European people".

The fact of the crisis and the worsening of the war situation clearly indicated long before the European Parliament elections: change is needed in Europe. This can't go on like this! The vast majority of European people thought so and expressed their will in the European elections.

The people of Europe have also made it clear that they hope for change from the right. This was also seen in the election results:

instead of left-wing progress and pro-war, people overwhelmingly voted for parties promising change. In 20 of the 27 countries of the European Union, a sovereignist or right-wing party that campaigned explicitly with the promise of change won.

The left-wing French and Belgian governments fell immediately after the election, and Berlin is also shaking. The European people have made it clear that they want to end the war going on next door, they want to get rid of the progressive ideological rampage, they want to stop migration, and they want to see the European economy on a growth path.

So far we're fine. As expected, the people of Europe began to take back Europe. But the Brussels bureaucrats launched a counterattack. The European People's Party was recruited alongside socialists and liberals interested in maintaining the status quo. The European People's Party collected votes by promising change in the campaign. But despite the fact that they claimed to be the ambassadors of change, after the elections they joined forces with the socialists and liberals who were putting Europe in danger.

The European People's Party and the other parties of the left whistled at the decision of the European people and concluded a shameful pact and began to share power. This is a clear abuse of the authority given to us by the voters. A pro-war coalition reunited. The sole purpose of this pro-war pact is to keep the Brussels elite in power for at least another five years, which has plunged Europe into crisis. It is clearer than day that this is why they want to keep the committee chairwoman responsible for the failures up to her neck in her position. The people voted for change, but with the betrayal of the European People's Party, the Brussels elite outwitted them and fended off the first attack on Brussels' revenue.

As right-wingers, it is still our task to enforce the will of the European voters. Our first attempt was repulsed. The redesign took place this week.

Despite the pact blocking the will of the voters, we will continue to build the cooperation of European right-wing parties. Right-wing parties must create strong factions in the European Parliament and then build cooperation between these groups.

Two decisive events will take place on Sunday. We should cast our watchful eye on Paris and Vienna. Yesterday, they also took a big step towards change in America. If everything goes according to plan and the Good Lord helps us, by the end of the year the patriots will be in the majority in the entire Western world. Go!

Featured image: Facebook/Viktor Orbán