What is democracy today? Self-liquidation, self-destruction, suicide. Suicide of the West. What is democracy today? The disgusting, unbearable dictatorship of woke and everything else. Written by Zsolt Bayer.

What is democracy today? It is an important question that needs to be answered, all the more so because the organization (association?) to which we belong constantly demands democracy from us, and wants us to fully comply, in order to give us the money we are entitled to anyway according to the law, and to pat us on the back.

What is democracy today? Nothing. Or rather - something: emptiness, falsehood, injustice and unrighteousness, immorality, the rape of the good, the rape of all that is wholesome, healthy, beautiful and normal, constant violence against common sense and healthy morals, sin, the vile, the ugly, the abnormal apotheosis.

»On the day when sin takes pleasure in the image of innocence, through an interesting transfer, innocence is called upon to justify itself«

Camus' prediction from the 1950s just kicked the door on us. This is democracy today.

What is democracy today? Self-liquidation, self-destruction, suicide. Suicide of the West. What is democracy today? The disgusting, unbearable dictatorship of woke and everything else.

It happened six years ago, four years ago I wrote:

»An Iraqi migrant, a certain Amir, brutally raped a ten-year-old boy in a bath near Vienna. He defended himself by saying that he had not seen his wife for four months and suddenly "felt a strong urge to rape the child". And the Austrian Supreme Court suspended one of the charges, saying that since the migrant did not know German, he could not have clearly known that the boy had not consented to sex. We are forced to live in this world today. And this shocking and jaw-dropping case is the clearest, most tangible example of Camus's truth.«

Four years have passed. And even then, every normal person felt a strong urge to clean them up from here. And not only the Amirs, but also those who make such judgments. Because Amir and his judges assume each other. Roger Scruton wrote in his work Running Fools, Scammers, Agitators - Thinkers of the New Left:

»Sometimes you want to use the right not only for that«

 (the legislator and the law enforcer - B. Zs.), 

to remedy injustices, but to create a new social order in the spirit of some "political morality", as Dworkin interprets the American Constitution. In his eyes, the law is not a summary of rights, duties and procedures, which are also implicitly valid in the precedent law system, but the framework of the new, liberal society. There is nothing to stop a radical legislator from making laws that violate the principle of justice, such as giving privileges to some, confiscating the property of others, or simply taking away someone's rights for personal or political purposes.

One of the signs of this is when they start to mention "social justice" instead of a sense of natural justice as the goal of the law and the main regulatory principle of the procedure.»

Law as a means of creating a new social order - this is what is happening in the West now, and this should be called democracy. This too. And in the background we also find here the emissary of Satan, the old scoundrel, the "open society" obsessed, the liberal Hitler, the anti-traditionalist Stalin, Soros, who spends extremely large sums of money to "sensitize" judges and prosecutors - understand: train them to that the right is used to create a new social order, for this reason, for example, certain, now privileged social groups – migrants, homosexuals and other LGBTQ people, blacks, etc. - other laws should apply, they should be given privileges, and if they commit a crime, they would no longer receive the same punishment as other non-privileged social groups - whites, Christians, heterosexuals, etc. - they would get.

This is how the impossibility of a judge excusing the rapist of the little boy by saying that since he did not speak the child's language, he could not know for sure whether the child did not consent to the sexual act. This could not be included in the wildest surreal drama. And in healthy, self-indulgent times, if nothing else, the father of the insulted child would take revenge with a gun, and yielding to society's natural sense of justice, the father's judge would acquit him.

But in today's seriously ill and self-defeating world, there is no question of such a thing. In its place comes the following case - they must have already forgotten:

"Outrageous verdict: a fifteen-year-old girl was raped, but migrants get away with it in Germany. They tortured their helpless victim for two or three hours, but only one of the ten (!) perpetrators has to go to prison. Perhaps you still remember the horrible case: in Hamburg's Stadtpark in September 2020, nine (!) men - between the ages of 19 and 23 - raped a 15-year-old German girl. After three years and nearly a hundred trial days, the district court found nine defendants guilty. However, the sentence is apparently far from proportional to the crime. In fact.

In the case of eight convicts, the imprisonment between one and two years was suspended, only one of them, a 19-year-old youth, must go to prison for two years and nine months. According to the judge, none of the defendants showed an iota of remorse. "I see horror and rage in their eyes," he said. The victim was on her way home from a birthday party through the park after 11:00 p.m. when one of the suspects approached her, dragged her into a bush, raped her, and then called her friends, who rushed to the scene and raped the helpless teenager. They tortured their victim for a total of two to three hours. The twenty defense lawyers demanded the acquittal of their clients. According to the news, several of the defendants have a "migration background", four of them are German, and another four have Armenian, Afghan, Kuwaiti and Montenegrin citizenship. The nationality of two defendants had to be clarified by the court."

Nine rapists, twenty lawyers. Two per head and one more small one, the lawyer "gentlemen" stepped on each other's heels to play the good guy in the German (German?) media and, stepping on each other's heels, demanded the acquittal of their clients. Twenty defense lawyers demand the acquittal of nine needlessly living villains who need to be cleaned up, and the judge lets eight of them go.

German society is like that today. They used to be unsurpassedly professional in exterminating everyone else, now they are unsurpassed in destroying themselves.

Daniele Scaela writes Migration – The Right of the Populists : “Many are convinced that mass immigration leads to decline and an increase in crime. Others, especially some sociologists and journalists, respond to this by saying that those who believe in this way are misled by illusions that were probably created as a result of "xenophobic" media campaigns. [...] It seems that ordinary people are indeed able to understand everything they see in their own place of residence, and they do not need to turn to the intellectuals sitting in their study for the "correct interpretation". [...] Studies examining Western Europe have shown for several decades that the crime rate among foreign immigrants is higher than among natives. The proportion of foreigners imprisoned in several states is unusually high: 74.3 percent in Switzerland, 46.7 percent in Austria, 42.3 percent in Belgium, and around 30 percent in Sweden and Germany - to name just a few figures. As far as Italy is concerned, sociologist Luigi Solivetti, relying on the data of the cases recommended for prosecution by the prosecutor's office, concluded that while immigrants make up 10 percent of the Italian population, we find them in a higher proportion among the perpetrators of various crimes: intentional homicide: 30%, intentional assault: 25%, sexual violence: 35%, prostitution: 65%, theft: 35%, robbery: 45%, extortion: 20%, drug trafficking: 40%, violence against an official: 35%, participation in a criminal organization: 20% .”

The situation is the same in Germany, although the proportion of migrants among the perpetrators of sexual violence is even higher. And since migrants in prison are also overrepresented, sensitized judges prefer to release them. The gang rapists. And of course they explain it.

But if they think that's the end of it, they are very wrong. Because there is still a continuation of this gang rape, just now, a few days ago, another verdict was handed down in the case. Please hold on, tie yourselves up!

"Scandalous verdict: a German woman was sentenced to prison for "insulting" the rapist of a migrant gang. In 2020, nine men in four groups raped a 15-year-old girl in a park, but the German court released eight of them on parole. Outraged by this, a young woman from Hamburg wrote to one of the perpetrators that he was a "dishonest rapist pig". The woman has now been sentenced by the court. A 20-year-old Hamburg woman has to spend a weekend in jail after she wrote "hateful" comments to a criminal who was involved in the gang-rape of a 15-year-old girl. The woman is just one of the 140 people who were investigated for making "offensive comments" to the rapists, reports The Publica.

The terrible attack took place in 2020, when several groups of men independently attacked a 15-year-old girl in Hamburg's Stadtpark during one night. […] 11 men were initially charged, but two were quickly acquitted due to a lack of DNA evidence. The police identified the sperm of nine men on the victim's body. Five of the men had German passports, the others were not German citizens. The perpetrators included a Pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan, a Syrian and a Montenegrin, reports The Publica. The men had a team of 20 defense attorneys.

The first and third rape videos were recorded by the attackers and shared with friends via WhatsApp, but the videos were deleted before the case could be heard in court.
Witnesses who saw the footage before it was deleted testified that it clearly showed sexual violence. However, despite the DNA and WhatsApp evidence, eight of the nine convicted men were released on parole. The ninth was sentenced to two years and nine months in prison without parole. The case sparked outrage in Germany, both because of the brutality of the rape and the light sentences given to the rapists. As a result, the identity and phone number of one of the men were leaked.

Enraged by the incident, a 20-year-old woman from Hamburg sent a message to the number via WhatsApp. The unnamed woman called the man a "dishonest rape pig" and a "disgusting pervert". He added: "Aren't you ashamed when you look in the mirror?" The rapist then reported the woman to the police, who was charged with sending offensive messages. The woman has now been convicted and will spend a weekend in jail for her comments. The woman apologized in court for her comments, saying she acted "out of reflex" after hearing the disgusting details of the incident. According to the Hamburger Abendblatt, however, this woman is not the only one who may face a sentence for insulting the rapists. The Hamburg authorities are reportedly investigating 140 people for "insulting, threatening or otherwise discriminating against the Stadtpark predators."

This is Germany today, this is the West today, this is democracy today. And now we have been fined 80 billion forints, and another 400 million forints a day, to be the same. Well, we won't be…

Tamás Molnár writes Europe in Brackets ":

»The second sign is even more tragic, because it would mean the end of the continent's history. This would occur when Europe embraces the fatal ideology we have already described. A mechanized European unity would be created, which would surely believe that it had found the "meaning" and purpose of history. Such a society would promote tolerance, the extent to which it takes human rights and "freedom" to heart, which, by the way, is limited by strict legal frameworks, while no one observes the forms of civilized behavior. The European Parliament has already given its blessing to the separation of families and their communities. He would regulate the great emptiness with a law, proclaiming a morality with a separate entrance, referring to his political competence. II. Pope John Paul II referred to this when he spoke before the European Parliament on October 11, 1988:

»It is my duty to strongly underline that if religion, Christianity, recedes into the background on the continent and no longer effectively stimulates ethics and the social sphere, then not only the entire European cultural heritage is denied, but also a future worthy of a to a European man. Believer or not, the future of all Europeans is seriously affected by this.«

Thirty years have passed since these lines were written. And I mean, they have embraced it, advertise it, and regulate it by law. They be damned. And we should stay away from them. As far away as possible.

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: MTI/Zoltán Balogh