Balázs Orbán said that Hungary shares France's goal of strategic autonomy, but with regard to Ukraine, it takes a contrary position to the majority of the member states.

On June 27, Le Monde conducted an interview The politician also said that the Hungarian government maintains a communication channel with Russia, and that they look forward to the November presidential election in the United States.

During the interview, Balázs Orbán emphasized that the Ukrainian-Russian conflict is not Hungary's conflict. Through negotiations with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Mark Rutte, they managed to get Hungary not to participate in NATO's missions in Ukraine, as they would only lead to an escalation of the conflict.

In connection with the Hungarian EU presidency starting on July 1, Balázs Orbán said that Hungary's priorities include competitiveness, defense, enlargement, immigration management, cohesion, agriculture, and demography. The politician emphasized that

Hungary calls for the strengthening of the common European defense industry and that it shares France's goal of strategic autonomy, although it takes a contrary position to the majority of the member states regarding Ukraine.

Balázs Orbán emphasized that Europe has no solution to the war, so the solution is in the hands of the Americans, which is why they are looking forward to the American presidential election, which, if Donald Trump wins, he promised, "he will create peace in twenty-four hours."

During the interview, the political director also touched on the fact that Fidesz is negotiating which parliamentary group it should belong to, after Giorgia Meloni and Marine Le Pen rejected the creation of a joint, large right-wing group . The European Conservatives and Reformists group is also unreachable because its member is the anti-Hungarian Romanian AUR party.

Balázs Orbán sees that Austrian-Slovak-Hungarian cooperation can be strengthened, and relations with the French right wing have never been as good as they are now.


Featured image: Balázs Orbán/Facebook