From the first of July until the end of this year, Hungary will take over the position of president of the Union. This position provides an opportunity for Hungary to show the continent another alternative to the self-pitying, globalist and pro-war position of Brussels, Zoltán Kiszelly, Századvég's director of political analysis, told Magyar Nemzet

Hungary will take over the presidency on July 1, and its leadership role will be key in managing challenges and defining a clear, forward-looking agenda for the EU. – "Let's make Europe great again!" This is the motto of the six-month successive Hungarian EU presidency. The presidency's priorities include improving European competitiveness, strengthening the defense policy, curbing illegal migration, demographic and agricultural policy, as well as a balanced enlargement policy and especially promoting the accession processes of the Western Balkan countries.

The successive EU presidency gives each member state the opportunity to present its own region and the problems that are specific to that country and region. The 27-member integration covers the entire continent, so the problems of different geographical areas can also come to the fore

Zoltán Kiszelly told our newspaper.

This will be the second Hungarian presidency, the first one in the first half of 2011 was very successful, because then our country put topics on the European table that affect not only us, such as the Danube or the Roma strategy, which everyone considered very successful at the time

the expert pointed out. He added:

Now, as a medium-sized member state, Hungary can use the presidency to present a political alternative. Hungary does not offer this to the mainstream and the so-called rainbow coalitions, but to European people and European interest groups.

He emphasized that the Hungarian government should not make an offer to the pro-war coalitions, but to European society, which, according to Századvég research, already shares the majority of the Hungarian government's position on the issue of migration, Brussels' overpowering, and war and peace. The Hungarian presidency must be used for this, so that we can emphatically present this political alternative.

Highlights of the Hungarian presidency

According to Zoltán Kiszelly, in relation to the issue of competitiveness, we can point to the disadvantages caused by the failed Brussels sanctions, the ideological nature of the energy policy, the fact that Brussels is drifting towards a plan order system, and in the context of the Green Agreement, the same logic prevails against market logic. The expert noted:

The other main topic, which is important not only for Hungary, but also for this region, is expansion. Not only with the Western Balkans, but also the expansion of the Schengen area with Romania and Bulgaria, in order to push the migration routes further, is also an issue that affects the East-Central European region, not only Hungary.

In connection with the expansion, the expert spoke about the importance of switching to majority voting. - Arms production can also be a priority issue, we would use this to defend the original content of the NATO treaty against external attack, and the war supporters would use these weapons - which are even manufactured in Hungary - in Ukraine. There is no dispute that weapons must be produced, but there is even more of a dispute about their use, but we must represent the consensus, and we can count on Western European weapon manufacturers for this, said Zoltán Kiszelly.

Brussels gives up the European interest on the altar of the globalist, Anglo-Saxon, pro-war interest. They are sacrificing Europe, while Hungary would strengthen the continent

he emphasized.

Back to the roots

The expert also spoke about how Europe dared to dream big a few decades ago - which culminated in the Maastricht Treaty - and that the EU could be an equal partner of the United States, but these dreams were long forgotten in Brussels.

The current EU has reached the limit of its performance capacity. It seems that the Eurozone is a ticking time bomb, the Germans can no longer finance it. Due to sanctions and war financing, this situation will explode within three to five years. It will be a change that the Brussels elite is trying to hide

- he continued.

The task of the Hungarian presidency is therefore to bring up the old integration and idea that lasted until the 1990s as an alternative, which Kohl and Mitterrand did, according to which the EU is a strong integration of strong European countries.

They are trying to isolate, make it financially impossible and punish Hungary so that we cannot build an alliance. However, when the war accelerates the already mentioned processes in the medium term, by then perhaps the Hungarian position will also enjoy a majority, similar to migration.

According to Zoltán Kiszelly, the Hungarian presidency is good for this, as it presents a counterpoint that is real and positive for Europe. "Time will prove us," emphasized the expert.

Featured image: MTI/Attila Kovács