At the press conference held in Vienna with Herbert Kickl and Andrej Babis, the Prime Minister announced: they are creating a political formation that will become the largest faction of the European right.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán met Herbert Kickl, the chairman of the Austrian Freedom Party, and Andrej Babiš, the former Czech prime minister and leader of the ANO party, in Vienna on Sunday morning. The focus of the meeting in Vienna was on strengthening the relations of European right-wing parties. The three leading politicians held a joint press conference, Herbert Kickl, the president of the Austrian Freedom Party, announced that their parties would join forces and ensure the pluralist element of the EU as an equal partner within the framework of an alliance.

We are not passively watching how a European superstate emerges"

- said the president of the Austrian Freedom Party, who described the meeting as the presentation of a new, patriotic alliance, whose goal is to ensure a better future for Europe.

He emphasized that other parties are also expected to join this alliance. Herbert Kickl stated at the press conference that this is a historic day and that Europe is entering a new era.

Kickl continued: the European public administration must be streamlined, peace, freedom and prosperity must be ensured for all citizens of the continent.

At the joint press conference, Viktor Orbán stated that

this is the day European politics will change.

The Hungarian Prime Minister emphasized that he had followed the political events of the past 25 years, a new era in European politics began in 1989, which has now ended with the elections. The Prime Minister added that a new faction will be created that will change European politics.

Today we are creating a political formation that will become the largest faction of the European right. European politics must change, which people have clearly expressed"

- said Viktor Orbán, who said that in 20 of the 27 countries, parties that represent change won, while the Brussels elite resists this and does not want change. The Hungarian Prime Minister stated that this is unacceptable. That's why they created this platform to bring about change.

Europe is in crisis, the threat of terrorism, migration and war threatens our neighborhood"

he emphasized.

"European people want peace, order and development, but from the Brussels elite they get war and stagnation. The European economy was made uncompetitive," the Prime Minister emphasized. At the event held in the Austrian capital, the three leading politicians signed the patriotic manifesto, which summarizes the goals around which they will organize their work. The Hungarian Prime Minister said: they will stop migration and support families.

Andrej Babiš, the president of the ANO party, highlighted that they decided to found a new political faction: the Europe of Patriots. They decided to stop illegal migration, according to him, regulations must be developed that protect the country's borders and stop human trafficking. Their plan is a Europe that respects nation-states, the Czech politician concluded.

Featured image: In the image published by the Prime Minister's Press Office, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, President of Fidesz (l), Herbert Kickl, President of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) and former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis, President of the Action of Disgruntled Citizens (ANO) party shake hands will, after signing the joint declaration entitled "Patriotic Manifesto for the European Future" in Vienna on June 30, 2024. At the event, Viktor Orbán declared that a new era begins on this day in Vienna, where a new European political cooperation was announced with Herbert Kickl and Andrej Babis. MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer