Pride month inspires big companies that succumb to the gender lobby to try to brainwash children with increasingly wild ideas.

Every year during pride month, big companies that submit to the gender lobby come up with new and new ideas. The international news agency V4NA has already reported that the children's channel Nickelodeon came up with several videos sensitizing children every year on the occasion of pride month.

The transvestite performer Nina West appeared in the short films.

In one video, Nina West sings about the different colors of the Pride flag and who they represent, including transgender and "queer people of color":


It is no longer news that there are more and more transgender characters on fairy-tale channels, and it can be seen that even a drag queen or a man dressed as a woman can be a recurring guest in children's shows.

Disney is also committed to introducing all sexual minorities to children and promoting LGBTQ ideology among minors.

Two years ago, the first openly transgender character Nikki, voiced by transgender actress Juliana Joel, was introduced in the Disney TV show Raven's House.

This year, by the way, the popular toy manufacturer Lego joined the queue with a Lego pride parade - with a Lego figure that looks like a drag queen.