The Portuguese Chega joins the Patriots for Europe party alliance

Shortly after Sunday's signing in Vienna, European right-wing parties started joining the emerging Patriots for Europe alliance;

the president of the Portuguese Chega announced that he wants to be a part of the coalition of sovereignist forces, Bertalan Havasi, the prime minister's press chief, announced on Monday.

André Ventura also uploaded the video of his press statement on his social media page.

Viktor Orbán, the president of Fidesz, Andrej Babis, the president of the Czech ANO, and Herbert Kickl signed the Patriotic Manifesto in Vienna on Sunday, which offers a new political alliance to the nations of Europe and to the sovereignist and patriotic parties.

The joining parties will create an independent representative group in the European Parliament, and according to the plans of the founders, they would become the largest right-wing EP faction in a short time, the announcement reads.


Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, president of Fidesz (b3) is speaking, flanked by former Czech prime minister Andrej Babis, president of the Action of Disgruntled Citizens (ANO) party (b), Herbert Kickl, president of the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) (j2) and Harald Vilimsky , FPÖ European Parliament list leader (j) at a press conference in Vienna
Source: MTI/Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer